myrtsch (myrtscht)
This project contains a program and a module, both written in Perl, which help you to run tournaments (or parts of them) using the round robin system. Firstly it was aimed to be used for table tennis (there the "t" in the end of "myrtscht" comes from). But over the time it will develop to be game independent.
The license will be the combination of GPL and Artistic License used by Perl.
newshightech (milou)
News-High-Tech est un portail d'actualité sous licence AGPL développé en HTML et CSS. Il permet à tout amateur passionné en nouvelles technologies de s'informer des dernières nouvelles en la matière.
pitvwebsite (grbavacigla)
Smart TV for Raspberry Pi built on AlpineLinux. It (will) supports movies and tv series, songs, weather forecast, streaming, online accounts! Features user authentication and session control. It is secure, you can change your password and revoke sessions. Written in Django (only bootstrap javascript). More features to come. Licensed under GPLv3.
plugfr (plug)
Il s'agit des outils de publication et de communication du PLUG (Provence Linux User Group), basé à Marseille. Il y aura un site géré avec SPIP, peut-être un petit Wiki pour de l'écriture collaborative, quelques dépôts de contenus devant être versionnés, une paire de mailing-lists publiques, …
Il n'y a pas de production de logiciel.
La question de la license ne s'est pas encore posée, mais ça sera soit de la GPL soit du CC, mais le choix de la GPL est le plus probable.
poh (davidus)
Punishment of Hadès est un jeu de combat écrit en c++ et qt4. Hadès, le maitre des enfers, organise un grand tournoi dont le gagnant retrouvera la vie (Licence GPL)
prg (yangbaxter)
Welcome to the PRG++ package to perform numerical, specifically Density Matrix, Renormalization Group calculations.
The code is a rewrite of my DMRG code in use since the 1990s and development of this version started in 2001. It is in production mode and in use by several groups world wide.
The code featured Posix parallelization and has suppot for MPI based distributed parallelization.
The code supports: - Many different local site types, e.g.: - spinless fermions, spin 1/2 fermions - bosons, hard core bosons - SU(2), SU(3) and SU(4) in various representations - Fermi-Bose systems - BCS type model
- ground state and few to many excited states
- real and imaginary time evolution via full and adaptive schemes employing Krylov sub space techniques - Orthogonal polynomial, e.g. Chebychev, expansion
- Various solver for Greensfunctions using the correction vector approach
- Adiabatic state evolution - Flexible definition of the system and the Hamiltonian via an internal Parser - An internal calculator for the evaluation of expression in the input file - A class for performing calculations for fermionic Hamiltonians, e.g. the calculation of commutators
- support for quantum chemistry type models The code is written in C++ and needs at least C++14. and the library (headers only). In order to make use of special functions as defined in C++-17 in the internal calculator you do need to compile with at least C++-17.
The code is triple licensed: GPL v2, GPL v3 or Apachy 2.
recaged (slinger)
ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.
With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.
All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).
More information, downloads and git repository can be found at:
responsebot (murks)
Simple utility bots for Twitch.
Written in Lua they communicate using a minimal subset of IRC over websockets as well as the Twitch REST API.
License: MIT
sawfish (nano)
The Sawfish windowmanager. A fast, flexible and extensible, lisp-based windowmanager.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2
sawfishpager (nano)
The native pager of the Sawfish windowmanager.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2+