[lang::fr] [os::GNU-Linux] [lang::en] [type::development] [License::GPL] [subject::GNU+Linux] [type::tutorial] [License::GPLv3] [License::CC-by-sa] [Language::PHP]
[tool::PhpDoc] [subject::audio] [subject::alternative] [License::GPL Linking Exception] [subject::graphism] [subject::writing] [subject::Jabber] [subject::DIY] [tool::Xoops] [tool::fluxBB]
GiftWrap helps you with the management side of packaging. It allows you to create and update Ubuntu packages, upload to a PPA and more.
License is GPLv3.
No tag for this group
The project website for Giftwrap.
It'll use a modx cms (for a professionally-looking website with little fuss).