[lang::fr] [os::GNU-Linux] [lang::en] [type::development] [License::GPL] [subject::GNU+Linux] [type::tutorial] [License::GPLv3] [License::CC-by-sa] [Language::PHP]
[os::GNU-Linux] [lang::hu] [License::GPLv2] [os::android] [subject::infographic] [lang::fr] [tool::phpBB] [subject::artificial intelligence] [subject::free-culture] [tool::uml]
Security and network interest me a lot and I want to write about some research's subjects. By this project, this blog, i would like to improve my knowledge and share it.
The license I will use is GNU GPL. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html#SEC4)
In this web space, you can find my blog where I will write articles.
Thoses articles will be under GNU license.