


Details for group Just a Music Player

General information

  • Groupname: jamp
  • Users: jjorge
  • Description:

    Jamp is just a music player. Quite simple, but not so simple.

    The current fashion of media players is to manage your music library and/or adopt a client/server configuration. This is technically interesting, sure, but quite excessive for a simple wish like "I want to listen my music", nothing more.

    Jamp exists to allow you to listen to your music in a simple way with features like: - playing ogg and mp3 file, - remembering the position in the playlist when closing, - displaying the current song in a notification, with the cover of the album, - generating random playlists with a minimum distance between two songs of a same author, - one program, no client/server stuff, - small and sober window, reducing in the notification tray, - no database, no "music library" stuff.

    The source code is licensed under the GPL v2 and the graphic resources are licensed under the CC-by-sa v3.


No tag for this group



SVN Repositories

  • jamp/jamp

    Source repository for jamp. It contains the source code (GPL v2) and the desktop files (icons, CC-by-sa v3).

  • jamp/website

    The repository to work on the website (html pages, images, screenshots)