


Details for group Piranha, an algebraic manipulator for Celestial Mechanics

General information

  • Groupname: piranha
  • Users: bluescarni
  • Description:

    Piranha is an algebraic manipulator for Celestial Mechanics. It is written in C++, and heavily uses template programming facilities. It focuses on performance and genericity, and it is conceived to be easily adapted and modified.

    This software deals mainly with the manipulation of mathematical objects known as Poisson series, which arise from the application of perturbation methods in Celestial Mechanics. Poisson series can be described as Fourier series with Laurent series as coefficients, so Piranha incorporates also a sparse polynomial manipulator.

    Piranha is coded using modern C++ template techniques, and each element of the architecture is a model of a well-defined concept (the "term" class, the "coefficient" class etc.). This implies that it is possible, with minimal effort, to write new implementations of such concepts and hence extend the scope of the software.

    Piranha is a C++ library, but includes also a set of bindings for the Python language, called Pyranha, which allows to use the manipulator from a high-level interpreted language, which can also provide a rich graphical interface in conjunction with matplotlib and IPython.

    Piranha is released under the GPL2 license.


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    Home of the Piranha manipulator for Celestial Mechanics, with documentation for users and developers, and news about the progress of the project.

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