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3lrvs's team

3lrvsteam (3lrvs)

Projet de Développement sous licence GNU/GPL.

Applications orientées reverse-engineering ,Vxing, Réseaux ,analyses sécuritaires et etude de noyaux sous environnement Linux essentiellement.

Nos projets évolueront certainement à l'avenir.


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3v1deb (3v1n0)

This project has born as an Ubuntu Repository to give extra binary software to community. Then it included a blog and other tools to share the my knowledge about the open-source project I followed/worked.

I actually use it to store some of my open projects and resources (being focused mostly on Openmoko and other embedded development).

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achille (dsoulayrol)

Achille is aimed at automating websites building using well known source documents (like DocBook articles, HTML pages, pictures, listing, and so on) and a global site description.

Achille can be seen as a documents translator for the Web. It gives you true separation between web presentation and your documents, giving you the choice to work and publish on documents the way you want, without worrying about how to publish them on the web.

Achille is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.

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adbui (seraf1)

ADBui est une interface à ADB (Android Debug Bridge) disponible en licence GPL v3

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aditamdev (trogeat)

Automated and DIstributed TAsk Manager. ADITAM is an open-source tasks management system. Flexible and easy to use, it can be adapted to any kind of needs. Features :

* Running tasks on a servers farm * Execution reporting * Groups & Users rights management * Programmable execution by setting date and time * Portable : ADITAM works with GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and *BSD systems. * Databases : As we know, MySQL, PostgresSQL and SQLite are supported but ADITAM should work with almost all others SQL Engines

ADITAM is a lightweight software that involves few system resources.

Due to a splited architecture, ADITAM is easily deployable in any existing infrastructure.

The project is under GPLv2 License.

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AI scripts

aiscripts (gremy)

AI scripts est une implémentation (python, prolog et matlab/octave) des principaux algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle (au sens large).

Ces scripts ont avant tout une valeur pédagogique et seront utilisés pour illustrer de futurs articles/tutoriels.

Dans la mesure du possible, ils seront écrits de sorte à être réutilisables sur de vrais projets (sous forme de librairies).

Au programme : * Apprentissage statistique : Perceptron, Adaline, PMC, Kppv, SVM, SOM, Kmean, Adaboost, ... * Recherche opérationnelle : parcours de graphs, programmation mathématique, ... * IA symbolique

Les scripts sont sous licence MIT.

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akus WebLog

akusweblog (akus)

In this space i would write news about open source world and i want post my desktop and openmoko projects (with source codes) naturally every project will be with GPL license.

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algoscript (jbourdon)

AlgoScript est un outil html de développement destiné à l'apprentissage de l'algorithmique. Deux trois langages supports sont disponibles : javascript, python ou un langage graphique. Le logiciel est sous licence GNU GPL.

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alladdin (garthh)

Panneau d'administration pour un serveur Web LAMP. Permet la gestion des comptes d'hébergement et le déploiement de plusieurs applications Web depuis l'interface (Claroline, SPIP...). Logiciel libre sous licence GNU/GPL.

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Allegro game programming library

allegro (siegelord)

Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. However, Allegro is not a game engine: you are free to design and structure your program as you like.


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