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lcma (jalbam)

La Carta Mas Alta is an open source card game totally written in PHP and HTML. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Windows and others.

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Linux Game Dev Resources

lgdr (bigsisma)

The aim of this project is to create a benchmark for all young developers with lack of economic resources that they intend try in the development of software for the videogame industry. Will be made available to various departments for distribution as reporitoy ubuntu / debian, software licensed GPL and tutorial.

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Libre Games Initiatives

libregames (papap)

Il s'agit d'une structure d'aide et de soutien aux jeux libres et toute initiative liée aux jeux libres. La structure peut parler également des jeux partiellement libres mais plutôt en les encourageant à devenir un peu plus libres.

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lotgd (shampoo)

LOTGD est un jeu de role en PHP/MYSQL qui est sous licence Créative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0". Code source disponible.

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lune (sirion)

lune (eternelle) est un jeu d'aventure multijoueur en 2D sous GPL. Qui utilisera plus ou moins les règles de "brouillard du hasard", un jeu de rôle amateur libre ( sous CC BY-SA).

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Master Polska


mazerator (awesomekalin)

Mazerator is the maze game and you have to work through mazes and fight monsters to then defeat the superhero Mazerator (hence the title) You can find the source at This uses the GNU Public License V3

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microsweeper (pmachata)

MicroSweeper is Minesweeper-like game implemented in Java and intended for J2ME-capable (MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1) hand-held devices. It provides an additional determinism: a game mode where all mine locations can be deduced from neighborhood count and you are not forced to place a guess. It has some extra goodies: walls, 4, 6 and 8-neighborhood boards, and wrap-around (torus) boards.

The game is licensed under the GPL 3. It needs MIDP and CLDC libraries to build, and a non-free preverifier has to be run on built binaries. All of these are available (free as in beer) in WTK, SUN's Wireless Toolkit package. As far as I know, there is no free implementation of these, and in particular they are not part of SUN's recently freed java package. I checked the following document, and it seems that this state of the matters doesn't interfere with GPL 3: (Check "New System Libraries Exception" in particular.)

The game doesn't use any other (free or non-free) libraries. It uses GNU Make for automating the build process and OpenJDK's javac and jar are used to do the compilation and packaging. A preprocessing using GNU M4 and Python takes place during the building process.

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minvasion (linuxprocess)

Ce projet est un jeu de plateforme basé sur SDL (et donc en théorie pouvant être compilé sur tous les OS supportant cette API). Notre ami Tux voit sa contrée envahie par une horde de taupes transgéniques aggressives au possible !!

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multipong (dawaien)

Il s'agit d'un jeu ressemblant à pong mais contre 3 adversaires au lieu d'un. Il peut se jouer tout seul contre l'ordinateur mais aussi contre des humains en réseau (en cours de dvpmt). Le jeu n'est que pédagogique, c'est pour cela qu'il est développé sous la licence GPL.

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