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arakhne (galland) is a community site dedicated to open-source softwares. It provides free software from the members and several Linux packages (Debian, Ubuntu...).

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arfprogrammer`s weblog

arfweb (arfprogramer)

the Persian and english weblog that share programming skills to every one.

the content of this site is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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astutia (siviuze)

Le projet Antenatus (pour premier né) est un projet de robotique de longue date dont la principale valeur ajoutée serait dans la programmation associée au robot. Développé par des étudiants, ce projet avance au rythme des études et de la disponibilité de ses protagonistes.

Antenatus est un robot automate qui devra à terme présenter des capacités cognitives évoluées lui permettant une autonomie totale. Le projet se déroule en trois phases: - phase 1: Faire d'Antenatus un drône complètement opérationnel et respectant le cahier des charges des capacités physiques du robot - phase 2: Développement des capacités cognitives apportant l'autonomie totale d'évolution d'Antenatus en milieu controlé - phase 3: Développement des capacités cognitives de gaut-niveau permettant une autonomie la plus poussée possible en milieu ouvert

L'ensemble des documents du projet est publié sous les licences GPLv3 et GFLD pour la documentation.

Site du projet :

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bioschem (liparis)

BioSchematics is a L-System interpreter and drawing tool released under the GPL license. It was initially coded for my work. L-System grammar is interpreted through a Scheme engine (Guile) and results are drawn in an OpenGL window.

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botsim (gremy)

Botsim est un simulateur de robots utilisé dans le cadre de travaux sur les algorithmes génétiques. La physique est simulé via la librairie opensource Bullet. Botsim est distribué sous licence MIT.

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critters (jkroll)

Critters will be a 2D two-player networked realtime strategy game. Players create little critters (NPCs) with certain parameters and features. Critters try to defeat the other player's NPCs, reach the other player's base, and collect goodies, guided by an AI. The player who has no money and critters left loses. Critters is developed in C++ under Linux using OpenGL and SDL. It will be released under the revised BSD license.

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fbcorner (eiffel3d)

François Bertel's free software and blog posts. Code source released under Apache License, Version 2.0.

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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock

glxdock (cairodock)

Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).

It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :

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Godot Engine

godotengine (reduz)

Godot is a fully featured, open source, MIT licensed, game engine. It focuses on having great tools, and a visual oriented workflow that can export to PC, Mobile and Web platforms with no hassle. The editor, language and APIs are feature rich, yet simple to learn, allowing you to become productive in a matter of hours.

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