hblog (hiura)
(Licence du projet : CC-BY_SA.)
Un petit wiki sans prétention proposant des articles sur mes projets libres*, et expériences, principalement en programmation.
A little wiki unpretentious offering articles about my open* projects, and experiences, mainly in programming.
*licence CC-BY-SA.
headache (yakeworld)
It has been demonstrated by studies that a large number of patients who go to their physician do not receive a proper headache diagnosis.The most important factor is the patient's physician does not have the time to take an adequate headache history. In addition, some physicians are not familiar enough with the International Classification of Headache Disorders II to make a proper diagnosis in some of the more difficult cases.While it is not possible to diagnose over the internet. It is possible to obtain some headache history and perform an analysis which will aid the physician in making a proper diagnosis. use php language and 'if/than' rules that based on ichd2, xml/xsl to show the result,i want to share the program. GPL Licence.
heartofrana (gint)
Heart of Rana is a web-based space strategy game project. It is open source (GPL v3) and stored on a GitHub account, enabling anybody to contribute to its development. Here is a just a demo version, for the sole development and testing purpose.
hebdelnak (hebdel)
Hebdelnak est une revue destinée aux esprits curieux. Sur le principe de l'éphéméride, Hebdelnak nous rappelle un évènement historique et nous fait un court article sur la géographie, la botanique ou les sciences. Inspirée du mouvement de libre culture, ses sources d'inspiration sont principalement les lectures de wikipédia, wiktionnaire, wikicommons. D'autres ressources graphiques sous licence CC (ND ou NC) sont parfois utilisées.
heblog (phpcprojects)
Développement de script permettant l'hébergement de blog sur un site personnel. Distribué sous license GNU ;).
hegoa (neosys)
"Libertribes, les tribus d'Hégoa" est un MMORPG en développement. L'ensemble des créations sont licencié: sous licences libre française. La CecillV2 pour le code et la Licence Art Libre pour les productions artistiques.
Notre forum actif est http://projetmmo.bbgraph.com , vous pouvez y lire notre évolution et participer au quotidien.
Notre canal IRC est sur irc.tuxfamily.org et #libertribes
hekaw (dylhoxic)
Hekaw is a free multiplayer first-person shooter computer and video game.
henderbsd (hender)
Small personal home page / web log, about OpenBSD related stuffs : articles and codes. Under BSD license.
hephaestus (marnold)
This project aims to provide open source tools for those with what are called "print related handicaps" i.e generally those who are blind or have a condition that prevents them from reading standard print, (for example dyslexia). This population has been historically under-served by the floss community despite the literal bounty of libraries, speech synthesis systems, digital book readers, and other bits and pieces available to construct these types of tools. Hephaestus Workshop hopes to change that. Because this project is planned to be a sort of central place of development for a handful of smaller software tools, and documentation, and will incorporate many small bits and pieces primarily from academic research it is hard to be specific in regards to licenses. However the seed programs that will form the initial codebase are GPL v 2 or later. This will be my general practice where possible. In addition I was intending to make it a policy to only incorporate third party code, and documents which are free software under a strict reading of the Debian Free Software Guidelines. Possible exceptions would be to allow the GFDL, and CC-BY-(SA) v 2 which Debian does not
heraia (dup)
Héraia is not just an another hexadecimal editor, it will be an helpful companion to analyse, view and reverse engineer files.
License : GPL