linpal (wilsteele)
For the development and expansion of the Palace Chat Community in the area of open source beginning with finishing the abandoned work on the palace client for linux, Linpal. It is the intent of this project to revive a once great chat community and bring not only new life, but new concepts, to the Palace Chat Community through a completely open source platform. The Linux Palace Chat Client was being developed by Steven Grafton under the GNU GPLv2 up till 2004. Since 2004 no work has been done on Linpal (except a small recent modification to allow it to compile under newer linux distributions) and the programs developer has not responded to quarries. His project on has been abandoned since 2004. It is the intent of this group to finish the development on the existing Linpal along the outlines of the original project, then to go further by including new features, porting to Windows and Mac OS, and developing server side plug-ins to enhance the usability of the Palace Chat Program. This program will remain under the GNU GPL and welcomes all comments, suggestions, and additions. The source code will be made available here, as well as at
linpartizdev (tkayna)
Linux Partimaging with Zenity. Logiciel de sauvegarde de systèmes sous GNU/Linux. Sous licence GPL, il utilise principalement partimage et zenity.
linrepeater (kc8yho)
linux based repeater for ham radio operators will be based somewhat off of echostation however not bound by windows limitations, also this is a open program if you would like to join in and help program join us today and use the forums this will be a GPL license as to the fact i am in the millitary and Ham Radio is FCC Controled You Must Be a Ham Operator To Use The
linud (mastercloud)
LinuxUD est une communauté d'utilisateurs de distributions de Linux (License CC-BY-SA)
linueve (klaus)
L'association LinUEVE souhaite promouvoir la connaissance et l'utilisation des logiciels libres et des formats de fichiers ouverts au sein de l'université Evry Val d'Essonne. Ce wiki donne des informations sur la vie de l'association, les manifestations publiques en cours ou à venir.
linux (benux)
Je désire réaliser un site web parlant de mes "aventures" sous linux (plus particulièrement gentoo et debian). Il contiendra surtout des trucs et astuces qui m'ont été utiles et éventuellement des tutoriaux. J'écrirai éventuellement aussi des "trucs" en rapport avec le libre sous Windows.
linux66 (neos)
Cet espace est destiné à partager les connaissances concernant le logiciel libre, tutoriaux, astuces sur Linux. Le contenu de cet espace sera 100 % libre (licence GPL).
linuxanjou (sortion)
Groupe de travail du GULL de l'Anjou `LinuxAnjou`: site web et outils divers.
Agé de plus de 22 ans, il a connu quelques fluctuations d'activité et commence à renaître de ses cendres.
(anciennement présenté sur