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monculprod (dogbreath)

Site de promotion de la musique libre. Plusieurs rédacteurs proposent des bulletins d'informations, de critiques et surtout de découvertes d'artistes hors normes. L'accent est porté sur les facettes musicales que seul le cadre du libre permet. Un outil contre le formatage culturel.

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monescarcell (seraf1)

Application Android de gestion simple de comptes bancaires disponible en GPLv3.

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moneta (jeromeb)

Moneta is a simple agent-based free market simulator engine.

Based on "Emergent Economies for Role Playing Games" by Jonathon Doran and Ian Parberry.

Inspired by BazaarBot :

This engine consists of various "Agents" trading commodities, with emergent free-floating prices that rise and fall according to the laws of supply and demand.

The eventual goal is to provide an open-source "Economics engine" for games and simulations, much like contemporary open-source "Physics engines."

License : MIT

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Monkey Studio IDE

monkeystudio (pasnox)

Monkey Studio is a Free crossplatform Qt © 4 IDE licensed under GPL2 & GPL3.

It's primary goal was to offer a crossplatform IDE for Qt 4 prjects. It's now advance enough to extends it with plugins to allow custom projects type to be recognize ( vcproj, cmake ... ).

Same Development Environment on all Platforms It's developped using the Qt library itself. So it should run on every platform that Qt© 4 supports. This way you can work on your progress on every platforms in the same IDE. Developing cross-platform software can be so easy!

Uses Qt Project Files Monkey Studio uses Qt Project File (.pro) to manage the project. There are no extra files created. If you want to switch to other tools, the sources will not have any extra, IDE specific file cruft. Just the code you need.

And several other tools to ease coding:

project creation wizard synthax highlighting code completion gdb integration ability to manage files per platforms And so many that we can't enumerat all there !

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mon php script for domotic

monphpscri (monphpscript)

mon espace pour developper les scripts PHP pour domotique personnel Logiciel personnel sous licence GPL, entierement disponible et documenté.

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monstralo (dufrludo)

développement d'un simulateur robotique sous différent environnement (windows/linux/MacOS X). ce petit logiciel sera distribué sous license GPLv3.

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moodlebox (christian)

MoodleBox est un projet visant à mettre à disposition une image raspbian pour Raspberry Pi embarquant de façon autonome un serveur web, un serveur dhcp et un moodle configuré pour une utilisation pédagogique en BYOD (AVEC en français)

La méthode de construction du système est documenté et une image prête à l'emploi sera proposée. Un paquet debian est envisagé.

Licences : GPL pour le code, CC-BY-SA pour la documentation

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Morevna Project

morevna (ksee)

The main goal of Morevna Project is creation of full-lengthened animated movie, utilizing Open Source tools only.

Other goals: * Promotion of Open Source software and its ideology. * Improving existing Open Source products by giving appropriated feedback to developers and community.

Main production tools: * 2D animation: Synfig Studio ( * 3D modeling and animation: Blender ( * Static images: GIMP (, Krita (

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Music Organizer

morg (jackieteam)

Music Organizer,, is a free software which deals with musical files (like mp3). It manage your collection by editing, managing tags and organize files from their tags. First it was made using Python but for version 2.0 it has been rewritten in C++. The program runs both on Windows, Linux and Mac. It's use wxWigets for the GUI and taglib for tags reading/writting. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

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morocco (maroc)

Mon projet vise la promotion des logiciels libres "sous licence GPL" au Maroc et Afrique du nord. En particulier linux Ubuntu et l'ERP Abanq

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