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muscastuffs (muscaboy)

My contributions will be published under a free license, the new GPLv3.

I'm looking for a place to share various scripts and documentations, in the following areas : * shell scripting * iptables * squid * jonas * dhcp * cvs * linux in general

I plan using the subversion repository, installing a wiki system (dokuwiki) and a BTS like flyspray/Bugzilla.

Thank you

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Music for Free Use

music (blueblaze)

We our a resource tool for free software providing free music and music resources for all free software. All music is released free under the GPL.

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Musicisti GNU+Linux

musicalinux (fpesari)

This project aims to provide Italian GNU+Linux users with quality CC BY licensed articles that can help them make music using FLOSS software.

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Maven Batik Plugin

mvnbatikplug (ffournier)

Fork et amélioration (Batik 1.7) du projet Maven Batik Plugin : Manipulation en masse d'image Svg en png au sein des cycles maven (set icon). Bien que la licence initiale soit correcte: La licence de l'hébergement est très orienté "business friendly":

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mwiki (monwiki)

MonWiki sera un wiki programmé en php qui n'utilisera pas de base mySQL.Il sera programmé de façon modulable. monwiki sera sous licence BSD

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mxlwebdc (mxlweb)

Espace de développement de thèmes/plugins (licence GPL) pour Dotclear 2 et punBB .

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myberyl (shame)

Repository of beryl-svn and beryl related packages updated daily. GPL licencse

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mycactus (piett)

Logiciel de gestion de collection de cactus et autres plantes succulentes. Développement PHP/MySQL. MyCactus est sous licence GPL.

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mycollection - sn18's collection of small tools, utilities, scripts, etc

mycollection (sn18)

This is basically a collection of all the tools, utilities, scripts, etc that in my opinion do not deserve a separate project page. All of these are distributed under either GNU GPL v2 or GPLv3 or any later versions.

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