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Presque Égal À

presqueegala (guezengar)

Cet espace est une galerie virtuelle pour un documentaire photographique sur le processus de création.

Le sujet est le théâtre, les comédiens et comédiennes, l'équipe artistique au travail, pour le projet de spectacle de la Compagnie du Mauvais Genre de la pièce de Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Presque Égal À.

Le contenu de cet espace est mis librement à la disposition du public selon les termes de la Licence Art Libre.

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prestashop (theo111213)

Je souhaite installer Prestashop, interface libre permettant de créer un site web. Le but n'est pas de créer une boutique en ligne. Le but étant de faire de la formation sur l'utilisation de Prestashop. Les contenus produits seront sous licence CC0 1.0 .

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prezproject (joker)

Ce site vous propose des programmes ou jeux gratuit qui ont été créé par moi(joker). Vous pourrez redistribuer, modifier. Les programmes seront sous licence GPL.

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PRG++: A density matrix renormalizaiton group package

prg (yangbaxter)

Welcome to the PRG++ package to perform numerical, specifically Density Matrix, Renormalization Group calculations.

The code is a rewrite of my DMRG code in use since the 1990s and development of this version started in 2001. It is in production mode and in use by several groups world wide.

The code featured Posix parallelization and has suppot for MPI based distributed parallelization.

The code supports: - Many different local site types, e.g.: - spinless fermions, spin 1/2 fermions - bosons, hard core bosons - SU(2), SU(3) and SU(4) in various representations - Fermi-Bose systems - BCS type model

- ground state and few to many excited states

- real and imaginary time evolution via full and adaptive schemes employing Krylov sub space techniques - Orthogonal polynomial, e.g. Chebychev, expansion

- Various solver for Greensfunctions using the correction vector approach

- Adiabatic state evolution - Flexible definition of the system and the Hamiltonian via an internal Parser - An internal calculator for the evaluation of expression in the input file - A class for performing calculations for fermionic Hamiltonians, e.g. the calculation of commutators

- support for quantum chemistry type models The code is written in C++ and needs at least C++14. and the library (headers only). In order to make use of special functions as defined in C++-17 in the internal calculator you do need to compile with at least C++-17.

The code is triple licensed: GPL v2, GPL v3 or Apachy 2.

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pride (rearleharris)

Pride combines medit, bash scripts, zenity, and the android tools to create a light and coherent environment for Android development. It uses only devices (no glacially slow AVDs) and includes only buildable and runnable injections of code. All the pieces come ready to run and gun. Pride is for hands-on GNUheads who are comfortable with bash scripts and the command-line. Pride is released under the GNU GPL

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prīmus amor

primusamor (suizokukan)

Dictionnaire latin->français sous licence GPLv3. Dictionnaire écrit au format Logotheras. Ce dictionnaire est le pendant latin du dictionnaire grec->français Phokaïa, également ébergé chez Tuxfamily.

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printacross (jlgrall)

Print images larger than a sheet of paper from your browser. AGPL-3.0

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proaudio (gimpel)

gentoo overlay for professional audio apps, -rt kernel and more

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procionz (ardebaran)

ProcionZ is a portal for *nix users lovers, i post there other *nix portals links, new realeases, news, programming information and develop, everything concerning to open source worlD !!!!

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profsciences (biginoz)

Projet de site concernant des cours de maths fait par deux profs , moi et mon frère. La licence est GFDL. Le projet pourrait se compléter avec la participation de plusieurs autres professeurs maths.

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