qnetsoul (leflou)
Client netsoul (protocole utilisé au sein du campus IONIS) multiplateforme (Qt). Le programme est sous licence GPLv3.
qomodules (ytorres)
qWikiOffice is a web desktop build on ExtJs framework. Here is the primary web site : http://qwikioffice.com/ This profect aim to host all modules build on this desktop, like Desk-Kregator, Desk-Weather, etc..
All modules are released on GPL v2 or later.
qownnotes (pbek)
QOwnNotes is the open source notepad with markdown support and todo list manager for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that works together with the default notes application of ownCloud and Nextcloud.
License: GPL v2 Git-repository: https://github.com/pbek/QOwnNotes
qrcode (morphx)
Voici le lien sur le site ou j'ai mis la déscription afin de palier a la limite de 300 caractère. http://cedl03.free.fr/ voila merci.
qshutdown (joel)
Una herramienta libre, de código abierto, bajo licencia GPL3 y escrita en QT que tiene como objeto apagar o reiniciar el sistema a través de una interfaz gráfica amigable. Actúa como "frontend" para systemctl poweroff/reboot en entornos como openbox, fluxbox, etc.
qsnippets (amizya)
QSnippets is a simple application written in Qt4/C++ and Licenced under GPL v3 licence, the main idea for qsnippets is storing the valuable chunk of code that every developer needs to.
qubilus (oguerin)
A sokoban like game in Qt available on PC (Windows/Linux) and Qtopia (Trolltech Greenphone) platforms. Licensed under GPL.
qucsqt4dev (roucarb)
This is the qucs (quite universal circuit simulator) development branch. Based on qt4 and use qcomponents project.
Under gpl v2 or latter licence
quebtux (quebnux)
Un liveCd linux baser sur slax et alixe et destiner au utilisateur quebecois/canada francais et orienter pour surfer sur internet!
quickticket (qtcute)
Collaborative trouble ticket web application. Licence: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (v3)