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realitygames (sindwiller)

Realitygames is a project/repository with high quality game content like Levels, Textures and Models, licensed under the GPL and the Common Creatives license, thus making it accessible for free and open source projects.

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rebeldeb (rebelyouth)

I want to create a repository for Kubuntu. Many software I want to use sometime are very old. So I create the .deb file to use in my system. Now I think so man people maybe need to have these new version. I try to use opensource software with GPL or LGPL license compliant .The first my project is Tork the onion ring and I 've other package ready for download. Thanks. Sincerely Rebelyouth

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recaged (slinger)

ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.

With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.

All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).

More information, downloads and git repository can be found at:

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recenzo (ideo)

Clone libre (GPLv3) écrit en php de stet[1], le logiciel de la FSF. Il sert à commenter un texte et est utilisé notamment pour faire des brouillons[2] de licences. Stet est écrit en perl, est n'est donc pas utilisable sur les serveurs de tuxfamilly, d'où l'intérêt d'écrire un clone en php.

[1] [2]

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Recettes de cuisine

recettes (hbousquet)

Tables de données de recettes de cuisine qui seront utilisées par mes élèves pour aborder les requêtes SQL dans le cadre de leur cours de Science Numériques et Technologie (SNT). Ce groupe n'a qu'un but pédagogique.

Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International

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recipes wiki

recipes (comic)

Wiki in Spanish about recipes of all kinds, with license CC-BY-SA.

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Red Eclipse

redeclipse (qreeves)

An Open Source First Person Shooter; licenses in use are Zlib/libpng for code, CC-by-sa for assets, with a Trademarked name/logo:

We are looking for hosting to migrate our entire project from Currently using: website, trac, mediawiki, svn, git. We are interested in DNS, POP3, and Game server hosting too.

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redpenguin (berilio)

PORTAGE_BINHOST for Gentoo Linux, specifically compiled for AMD 's microchips Athon-XP. (I'm paranoid 9_9 =<) and starving for source code as well @_@

please see Readme.text for more information on how to sync and get the packages.

Other things hosted are related, to some translations and documents.

have fun! merci beaucoup!

stay tuned for more speedy bunzips... Gentoo 's Athlon/Arch ;<)

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Réflexe Huiles Essentielles

reflexehe (rod)

Un Wiki sous licence CC-by-sa 3.0, relatif à l'utilisation quotidienne aux huiles essentielles, et mettant à disposition de tous les monographies rédigées par les auteurs du site et leurs conseils pratiques.

Les bonnes pratiques de soin et les précautions à prendre pour en faire nos alliées face aux affections du corps et de l'âme.

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Réflexion Numérique

reflxnum (adumondel)

Site personnel de partage photographique et d'hacktivisme.

Le but est de partager un point de vue sur notre société numérisée, la traduire par des photos de notre temps et de réfléchir sur des évènements contemporains.

CC-BY-SA 3.0

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