stfsuxblog (stfsux)
Blog regroupant la plupart de mes projets personnels concernant à peu près tout ce qui touche à l'informatique. Au menu, demoscene, securité informatique, électronique, etc. Le tout sous license GPL v3/later.
stickbuild (nikel)
Improved build system written in gmake.
Features: - Languages: C (at moment) - Dependencies auto exploration for source files. - Colors for output - It's all written in gmake (it is nice functional programming language - Only one dependency tree for all project, not for each subdirectory. - Auto generating all needed target, as clean, distclean, install etc.
License: GPLv3
stickeralb (assolila)
A sticker album for Free Software association. See
Licence: Art Libre
stickyengine (greg)
Le projet StickyEngine vise à développer moteur de jeux 2D doté d'un moteur physique. StickyEngine est avant tout destiné à créer des jeux de plateforme 2D léger et fun, fonctionnant en réseau.
Il se doit d'être très simple à utilisé et a réutilisé. Le projet vise à terme à offrir une alternative open source à Flash pour la création de jeux du type de N ( ou de Aaaaah (
Le code sera sous licence GPL et les éventuels ressources (son, images) sous licence CC-BY-SA.
stickyvibe (k3rl0u4rn)
The project consists in writing notes about the OpenViBE software.
OpenViBE is an opensource platform (LGPLv2+) that enables to design, test and use Brain-Computer Interfaces. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are communication systems that enable users to send commands to computers only by means of brain activity.
Broadly speaking, OpenViBE can be used in many real-time neurosciences applications.
See for more details.
Licence for the blog content : CC-BY-SA Licence for code snippets : GPL v2+
stkaddons (stephenjust)
This site is a repository for karts and tracks which aren't include in the main package of SuperTuxKart, an open-source kart racing game. You can download the addons in your web browser and from within SuperTuxKart. You can also upload your add-ons. This add-ons will be released under an open-source license (Creative Commons or GPL). The site engine (written in php) is also under GPLv3.
stock (iceslice)
Stock Market Brokers' Open Source Back Office Management System Using ASP.NET MVC.
Code license: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
storebackup (hjclaes)
Storebackup is a backup utility that stores files on other disks.
It uses deduplication based optimizations that reduce the disk space needed and improve performance. StoreBackup unifies the advantages of traditional full and incremental backups. It supports fast backup over high latency lines like vpn connections. It includes tools for analyzing backup data and restoring. Once archived, files are simply accessible by mounting filesystems (eg. locally, via Samba or NFS).
Storebackup also supports very efficient backups of big image files (from eg. TrueCrypt, mbox, Xen, KVM, VMware, etc.) or complete devices via deduplication.
Licence is GPL version 3
streambit (amircloner)
this is a service for bypass the filtering this service have more 2 free app bypass filtering (base php , python) we need website to Introduce our project and git repository
no problem our project are free and under Creative Commons Licenses
strepoetl (strepoetlo)
Bonjour, Je souhaite créer une sorte de petit blog sur l'actualité informatique, les news qui touchent à la technologie, certaines astuces pour internet et de parler surtout de d'ubuntu et linux en générale. Cordialement
licence creative common