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Tang Dynasty Poetry

tangshi (rearleharris)

Poetry of the Tang Dynasty translated into English by R. Earle Harris released under the Creative Commons 3.0 SA-BY-NC

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tapage (prevot)

Tapage is a free platform and distributed to easily develop modules for "social". Once the modules are created, they are already decentralized, social, and can exchange data on Tapage generated from an external service. This allows on Tapage to prompt new features. It will therefore always be able to incorporate new features essential to a social network over time.

licence : AGPL

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taptempo (mzf)

TapTempo is a command line tap tempo. Just type "taptempo" in a terminal and hit the enter key at a regular rate to get the corresponding tempo in BPM (beats per minute).

This project is released under GPL-v3.

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taquin (zapoutix)

taquin is a artificial intelligence in a Fifteen Puzzle. taquin will be use for testing many astar algorithm, and test witch one is the best.

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Tardigrade Inc.

tardigrade (hitmuri)

Tardigrade Inc. fournit des logiciels libres (sous licence GPL) pour les musiciens électroniques sous Gnu/Linux.

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tarzhiou (ismaelilias)

A puzzle game, inspired from Atom on Atari that made my child life funny.

Aims are : - extended and more precise rules - multiplatform (but based on Java) -> native with GCJ, JVM, Android, ... - have fun with the game as with the code

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TASTE toolchain

taste (maxime1008)

The TASTE toolchain stands for "The ASSERT Set of Tools for Engineering" and aims at providing free-based tools for the development of safety-critical systems. It is composed of model analyzers, parsers and other materials needed for the design, validation and implementation of safety-critical and embedded software. Tools are released under free licences (such as GPL or BSD).

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taupebot (taupe)

TaupeBot est un bot IRC modulable écrit en PHP, sous licence GPL

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The Burning Darkness - Cruise Control

tbdcc (ppc98)

A tactical space combat simulation. Multiplayer client/server application, enemy ai players included.

We're going to publish it under the GNU/GPL (GPLv3) license.

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Towbowl Tactics

tbt (kapouik)

Towbowl Tactics alias tbt is a 2D fantasy football game on GNU GPL v2 free licence. The gameplay is based on the rules from a turn by turn strategic board game. The objectif is to be fun as a board game party whit friends but more simply for the establishment. It run on GNU & Linux and Microsoft Windows.

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