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VST Preset Generator

vpg (mzf)

VST Preset Generator is a software to create randomly (or semi-randomly) generated presets for your favorite VST instruments and effects. (VST = Steinberg Virtual Sound Technology).

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

Categories: Editors, Sound Synthesis, Composition, VST

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vtcms (hyperclock)

I started a project named the VoyaTrax CMS Project in 2014. The output of that is vtCMS, a modded version of XOOPS (we were planning a version, see the website as to why NOT) with some improvement that never found it's way there. I've added a Terms, Privacy Ploicy, Imprint, Disclaimer and an About Us page. All hardcoded into the system along with backend administration, including an editor.

Other enhancement include UTF-8 as well as modules that are needed in every CMS, such as a contact module, security module, a language module for multilingual content. Another enhancement is an Cookie announcement - compliant with the European Cookie Law.

Many more enhancements are in planning as well as getting some general purpose modules upto date. Themeing is also a place where lot's of enhancemet need to take place.

Of course I'm sticking to the GPL, the original core is GPLv2 but I'm uping that to GPLv3.

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wallpabox (anium)

This software is a GUI to change wallpaper on an fluxbox, openbox desktop. It uses the command "fbsetbg". This software is under the GNU General Public License Version 2.

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Web container

webcontainer (donkeeland)

This web server is not like the others because it's inspirated from the J2EE architecture. The goal of this web container is to permit to write fasster web services and give a set of new often used fonctionnality.

This project define an API which should be implement by a web server. This API contain all basic routines for make web service.

This project also implement the defined API into a web server as demonstration of the API usage.

Why this project ? - J2EE permit to fastly done improved websites - I don't like JAVA - I want to improve the CGI protocol so invent a new thing ;)

And for the license ? - We will use the GPL for all component of project (API, web server, documentation....)

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wesnoth map and scenario

wesnothmap (luigit)

Repository for map and scenario for Battle for Wesnoth created by Wesnoth Italian Forum; all are release under GNU GPL licences

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WiFi Radar

wifiradar (robinson)

WiFi Radar is a Python/PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux and is licensed under GPLv2.

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wisirc (chgans)

Open source robotic.

The goal of Wisirc is to build an autonomous robot, with only Libre Software (and Libre Hardware). -- Le but du Wisirc est de construire un robot autonome, uniquement basé sur du logiciel libre (matériel libre).

We want to participate to the french and european robotic cup ( -- Nous voulons participer aux coupe de France et d'Europe de robotique (

We have not a clear roadmap, we will be ready when... we will be ready! ;o) -- Nous n'avons pas de carnet route, nous serons prêt le jours où .... nous serons prêt! ;o)

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wmacpiload (alveric)

wmacpiload est une application graphique, avec une interface semblable à un écran LCD, pour surveiller la température et l'état des batteries d'un ordinateur sous GNU/Linux supportant l'ACPI. C'est une "dockapp" pouvant s'intégrer à des gestionnaires de fenêtres tels Window Maker, AfterStep, BlackBox et Enlightment.

wmacpiload est distribuée sous la licence GNU GPL.

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worderize (northstrix)

Worderize is a free and open-source software distributed under the MIT License, that is designed to make the language learning more effective.

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Xenon Project

xenonproject (xenon)

An open source web system designed for netbooks, with ease of use, speed and stability in mind. Programmed in PHP, MySQL, CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript. Licensed under the AGPL.

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