synfig (genete)
Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality 2D animation with fewer people and resources. While there are many other programs currently on the market to aid with the efficient production of 2D animation, we are currently unaware of any other software that can do what our software can. Synfig Studio Project is formed by several pieces: 1) Source Code is licensed under GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 the License, or any later version 2) Synfig wiki and website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
tuxshare (opensource)
TuxShare is an image sharing center that allow people to host and share pictures.
TuxShare allow to : - Upload only pictures related to OpenSource - Link OpenSource photos in websites, email, blogs - Share images with friends and family
TuxShare is under GPL license and all picture hosted in under CC license.
u3d (pino)
The U3D tools aim to provide a way to read and render 3D data in the U3D (Universal 3D) format.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v2+.
wakonda (mlafon)
Wakonda est un assistant pour Menneur de jeu (Jeux de Roles sur papier et par correspondance) développé à la manière d'un espace de travail intégré. Wakonda est développé en XML, PHP et Java sur le framework Eclipse RCP et est distribué sous license CECILL (
xlview (nimday)
Xtra Lightweight General Purpose Image Viewer Written in C++ with FLTK Toolkit Library
zemarmot (girin)
An Open 2D Animation Movie (licence CC by-sa/Art Libre) made with Free Software.