cllfst (nizaros)
Portail Web du Club du Logiciel Libre à la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis. Notre Club encourage l'utilisation et le développement des logiciels libres et leurs mise à profit pour notre faculté.
crisos (claudyus)
CrisOs is first linux base operating system developed for arch cris based on OpenWrt project.
License: GNU GPL
dzdiga (abougouffa)
dzDiga is an Arabic language technical blog, it contains articles about free and open source softwares (like GIMP, Inkscape, FreeCAD, LibreCAD...), programming languages (Python, Scilab, Web technologies...), libraries (like GTK, Flask...)
All the content of this blog will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC-BY-SA License
eigen (bjacob)
Eigen is a C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra.
entl (nicolair)
L'objectif de ce projet est mettre en place un "Espace Numérique de Travail Libre" pour un professeur de mathématiques. Il contiendra des texte mathématiques (matériel d'enseignement) ainsi que des relations documentaires. Ces données seront publiées sous une licence du type Gnu FDL. Ce projet est une évolution de mon <ulink url=''>site personnel</ulink>
erika (erikaadm)
Erika Enterprise is a minimal real-time kernel for single and multicore embedded systems.
Erika Enterprise is a free, open-source implementation of the OSEK/VDX API, implementing conformance classes BCC1, BCC2, ECC1, ECC2, with an OSEK OIL compiler integrated into Eclipse, and OSEK ORTI support for Lauterbach debuggers.
Erika Enterprise makes multi-core application development easy: hiding the complexity of the underlying architectures, Erika Enterprise makes no difference if a code runs on a single or a multi-core platform.
Erika Enterprise is licensed under the GPL with linking exception license (the same license of the classpath project)
esmbundle (donbala)
A suite of Octave scripts to read and analyse European Space Agency's Earth System Model data
Copyright (C) 2015-17 Balaji Devaraju
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
espr (sdodo)
This project is intended to distribute ESP-r packages for linux distribution (debian for beginning) ESP-r is an integrated energy modelling tool for the simulation of the thermal, visual and acoustic performance of buildings and the energy use and gaseous emissions associated with associated environmental control systems. In undertaking its assessments, the system is equipped to model heat, air, moisture and electrical power flows at user determined resolution. License: GPL-2+ ESP-r is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version two of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The packaging of ESP-r is under GPLv2+
foxhistorian (leicht)
Ensemble de librairies et de programmes permettant la communication avec des automates programmables industriels pour réaliser de l'historisation de données process ainsi que de l'affichage de courbes graphiques. Protocoles industriels : DF1, Ethernet/IP, Modbus... Licence : GPL v3
gmath (hiura)
Gammathematica est un logiciel développé par deux étudiants du Gymnase de Chamblandes (Suisse) à l'occasion de leur travail de maturité.
Gammathematica permet de résoudre équations et inéquation de degré quelconque au moyen d'une interface web. L'application web de Gammathematica utilise une bibliothèque C++ Open Source (CC BY-SA) créée expressément pour ce projet.