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4232 - libre animation

4232 (bazza)

Hola! I’m Bazza, a Argentinian artist creating an Sci-Fi animation called 4232. 4232 is about a future where humans are turned into robots.

All the designs are hand made and the background are all hand painted.

I’m making the animation exclusively with free software, like: gimp, inkscape, synfig, blender, g’mic, audacity . And I’m developing scripts and software to produce the animation that I’ll published along with the new scene delivery.

Es un proyecto libre bajo licencia CC-BY-SA y los videos son libres bajo esta licencia. desarrollo programas bajo licencia AGPLv3+

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Alberti Draw

alberti (worminger)

Alberti Draw is a perspective drawing and layout application written in Javascript, SVG, and HTML5. It can be thought of as a lightweight drafting solution that runs in a browser. Alberti is licensed under GPLv3.

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Blender Forum francophone


eigen (bjacob)

Eigen is a C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra.

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gabdesign (gab)

Le site du studio, création, design, intégration. Squelettes Spip sous GNU/GPL, illustrations et photos sous ArtLibre et CC. /////////**** FERMETURE DEFINITVE ****\\\\\\\\\

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graphilibre (gab)

Bibliotheque de pictos, cliparts vectoriels et bitmaps sous licence ArtLibre ou Creative Commons.

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inkscape (yemanja)

Site promouvant le logiciel libre 2D vectoriel : Inkscape. Il y aura des didacticiels, des infos sur le logiciel, de l'actualité sur tout ce qui concerne le svg et inkscape, il y aura également une galerie. Le tout sera sous diverses licences libres (GPL pour les scripts en python et/ou c/c++, copyleft pour la galerie). Ce sera le site de la communauté francophone des utilisateurs d'inkscape.

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linuxgraphic (mlgx)

Le portail internet vise à mettre à disposition du plus grand nombre sous licence Libre ou Creative Commons : des actualités (articles, flux RSS, ...), des documents (tutoriaux, références,...) et des services (forums, irc, ...) concernant les outils de graphisme libre pour systèmes GNU/linux (2D, 3D, vidéo et traitement d'image).

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Synfig Studio

synfig (genete)

Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality 2D animation with fewer people and resources. While there are many other programs currently on the market to aid with the efficient production of 2D animation, we are currently unaware of any other software that can do what our software can. Synfig Studio Project is formed by several pieces: 1) Source Code is licensed under GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 the License, or any later version 2) Synfig wiki and website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

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