nbenoithome (nbenoit)
Je souhaite pouvoir publier mes projets et quelques autres choses (images, etc.) Tout est libre de droit: les programmes sont sous GPL et le reste est sous une lience Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike).
netsecldist (netsecl)
NetSecL (previously known as ISlack) is a security-focused Linux distribution. It includes Grsecurity by default. Most of the numerous security-related software is suited for penetration testing of your network. There are also security tools for testing your local security and IDSs for monitoring. The configuration of NetSecL is hardened by default: (listening for connection) services are turned off, and incoming ports are closed.
nuxrox (wantoch)
j'aimerais créer un espace web commun à tout mes projets en licence gpl. A venir emulateur d'atari 2600, outils d'information pour carte ATI. j'y placerais également des documentations liées avec mes projets.
oclaunch (leowzukw)
Petit programme écrit en OCaml, permettant de lancer facilement et automatiquement des commandes lorsqu'il est appelé.
Vous trouverez ici le code, déjà disponible sur Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/Framagit, mais surtout une page web explicative et une liste de diffusion.
Ce programme est sous licence CeCILL.
Dépôt git actuel : https://gitlab.com/WzukW/oclaunch
octoz2 (octoz)
Hébergement du site d'Octoz GNU/Linux (licence GPL), du forum punbb et du multi-blog b2evolution
opendungeons (akien)
OpenDungeons is an open source, real time strategy game sharing game elements with the Dungeon Keeper series and Evil Genius. Players build an underground dungeon which is inhabited by creatures. Players fight each other for control of the underground by indirectly commanding their creatures, directly casting spells in combat, and luring enemies into sinister traps.
The game is developed by a friendly community of developers and artists, and has now reached a quite playable and enjoyable status after more than 6 years of development.
Licensing: The code in under the GPLv3 license (except for one bundled dependency, angelscript, which is under the zlib license) [1]. The art assets and non-code text files are under various DFSG-free licenses: CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC-BY 3.0, CC0, OFL, GPLv2+, GPLv3+, MIT [2].
[1] https://github.com/OpenDungeons/OpenDungeons/blob/development/LICENSE.md [2] https://github.com/OpenDungeons/OpenDungeons/blob/development/CREDITS
owaves (rfouard)
Owaves Bay is a website who show how it's easy to create games with Open Source Engines. All codes on this site will be under GPL, and I want to create my personnal game with Ogre to support the Open Source for software.
palabre (gavrochegnou)
Current website : http://palabre.gavroche.net
A python XML aware asynchronous multi-user python server. (GPL license) Allows Macromedia Flash clients to connect to this server via actionscript, to create rooms, subrooms ... to chat in private or in a room, to protect a room, to play an internet multiplayer flash games.
portable (alfadir)
Proposer des logiciels libre en version portatif. Pouvoir transporter partout (et utiliser) sur un support amovible ces logiciels libre farovie, sans perdre le profile ou les paramètres de chaque logiciels (ex: OpenOffice.org, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Gaim, TightVNC, UltraVNC ...)
Script Portatif : NSIS Licence : GNU, GPL et CC
pruebas (jalbam)
Pruebas is an open source game mix of text adventure and RPG written in Microsoft QBasic (under MS-DOS 6.22) that uses keyboard. Runs natively under MS-DOS and compatible OS like Windows (use emulators like DosBox to run it under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, etc).