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Saigkills Backtrace

Shiraz LUG


simphoto (guillaumebas)

Album de photo très "propre" en PHP + CSS mais surtout sans bdd et javascript. Il sera distribué selon les termes de la GPL v2.

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stages (pearson)

Conception et développement d'un outil de GRH pour la gestion des stages et des stagiaires et distribution des sources sous licence GNU/GPL - LGPL selons les modules. En étude : une part du projet devrait être mis à disposition sous "Licence Creative Commons" pour assurer les droits des auteurs et éviter que le projet ne soit écrasé par une éventuelle reprise commerciale.

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tddr (elandestoy)

blog develop for myself using JavaScript, php, and MySQL helping others to create they own blog. I love opensource and free software philosophy

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theglublog (theglu)

Mon blog, sur le libre, ubuntu et mes programmes...

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TheSLinux documentation system

theslinux (kyanh)

This project stores all documentation ofTheSLinux, a Linux distribution. The documents are in static HTML files, and they are generated from the source

The license of the documentation system is CC BY-SA 3.0. We are free!

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Tiny Bash CGIs

tinybashcgis (rearleharris)

Tiny Bash CGIs include the Blink public blog and the Treebeard community topical forest. All are designed to run in the cgi-bin of any Unix webserver. All are released under the GNU General Public License.

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toastertech (planglois)

This is a personal website and blog about free software and hardware. The purpose is to share both tutorials/articles/hacks as well as personal projects in order to show how easy and fun experimenting with technology can be.

Why "Toaster" ?

- Hacking with a toaster was the very firt idea I had as a kid, since then I've always somehow liked tosaters... - "Toasters" is a familiar word for the "cylons" in Battlestar Galactica TV series. A robot is nothing but a smart toaster.

Licencing information:

- Every projects will be released under GPL or LGPL. - Tutorials, blog posts or any other contents including graphics will be under CC BY-SA.

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tutotrad (eastwind)

le projet à 2 objectifs :

1 : traduire des tutoriels écrits en videos

2 : Mettre en place une chaine de création (logiciels,formats .. ) entièrement open source

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