marc (marco)
Site personnel contenant coordonnés, cv.Mes travaux en infographie sous licence creative et quelques liens pratique.
marchlinux (sayanriju)
This is NOT a brand new Linux distro! Essentially, it is a customized installation of Arch Linux using Fluxbox as default window manager and some interesting apps.
marchlive (sayanriju)
March Live is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux and is available as a Live CD.
markandlinux (markand)
I want to talk about linux and free software. Show some tips about linux distributions. I plan to devel a RPG open source which will be released in GPL licence
markonvert (frx)
markonvert is a little program that can convert between different Fortran unformatted data file formats. It is aimed at converting between 32 bit and 64 bit record marker formats.
This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the license text for details.
martes (didrome)
Ce projet veut promouvoir la pratique d’activités manuelles telles que le tissage et le tressage.
Ces activités traditionnelles ont presque disparu de notre quotidien, alors que dans la vie quotidienne un des besoins essentiels de l’humanité est issu de ces activités manuelles, il s'agit de l'habillement dont le tissage est une technique essentielle. La connaissance et la réappropriation de ces pratiques est nécessaire dans notre société.
De plus la pratique des activités manuelles ont de nombreux effets bénéfiques pour toutes et tous, et a tout age.
Enfin ces techniques font parties de notre patrimoine culturelle.
Ce site internet proposera des tutoriels techniques détaillés, un forum, et des activités accessibles a toutes et tous, selon la licence CC BY-SA 4.0.
mascots (gnight)
A wiki about the mascots of free software projects, and associated characters. Licensed under CC0.
massxpert (rusconi)
massXpert is a cross-platfrom software program to simulate and analyse mass spectrometric data obtained on linear (bio-)polymers. Three modules allow 1) making brand new polymer chemistry definitions; 2) using the definitions to perform easy calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and 3) performing sophisticated polymer sequence editing and simulations. Chemical simulations encompass cleavage (either chemical or enzymatic), gas-phase fragmentations, chemical modification of any monomer in the polymer sequence, monomer cross-links, arbitrary mass searches, calculation of the isotopic pattern...
massXpert is Free Software published under the General Public License version 3+ (GPL v3 or later).