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repartiteur (sod)

Répartiteur de charge fonctionnant sous Linux. Permet de répartir la charge de N machines sur N autres machines.

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repo (h4ttory)

I'm new member in the world of packaging and so , my packages are very simple.

I try to create a .deb package from a sources. Nothing of particular.

All packages are under gpl license, if you do not think necessary to qualify the service you do not preoccupy yourselves, I will try elsewhere.

Sorry for my bad English :)

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Repository for Arch/Manjaro

repoarch (ste74)

Additional packages to install Pantheon Shell (the Desktop Environment of Elementary OS ) in Manjaro/Arch Linux OS More information here

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repoforenly (curiouseag)

Repo for Manjaro Enly (custom enlightenment desktop based on manjaro linux).

This repo contains prebuild software from different sources. All are providen by a GPL or BSD or MIT or DoWhatTheFuckYouWant license.

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repo-make is a tool to autobuild a set of PKGBUILD files into a working repository

repomake (manureim)

This tool helps package developers to build larger sets of PKGBUILDs automatically. It is based on the pacman package manager and the makepkg/PKGBUILD way of packaging. All required build dependencies are installed automatically, so no manual intervention is needed. repo-make is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.

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repository (supremus)

all my packages are under gpl license, i create .deb package from sources. nothing of particular

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reposytux (ilbazaar)

a repository of (GPL or compatible) packages to enhance my blog about opensource(

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reptel (dino)

Espace de développement de RepTel, le Repertoire Telephonique simple et efficace : lister, chercher et ajouter des contacts en deux clics, RepTel ne fait (pour l'instant) que ça, mais il le fait bien! Licence : GPL

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República GNU

republicagnu (dattellix)

Desarrollo, implementación y apropiación social y tecnológica de sistemas de Gobierno Electrónico con Software Libre 100% basados en Sistemas de Calidad.

Todo el Software relacionado con este proyecto y su documentación, es y será Licenciado como GLPv3 o posterior respectivamente.

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requiescant (sbb)

Un coin de toile pour publier simplement toutes sortes de choses libres, selon le temps et l'envie. Principalement de petits logiciels en ligne de commandes, mais peut-être également des fichiers de configuration, des tutoriels, voire de (courtes) réflexions sur le milieu du libre.

Le tout sera majoritairement publié sous licence MIT/X11 ou similaire.

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