p2f (cdc)
The programs "p2f-exec" and "p2f-wait" allow to communicate easily with interactive commands from shell scripts. They are a minimal alternative to Expect that respects the Unix philosophy, that is, many features are delegated to dedicated external tools: time limits should be handled by "timeout", regular expressions by "grep", terminal settings by "stty", special characters by "bash" for instance, ...
License: GPLv3.
packpkg (azraeljd)
A distro-agnostic package manager, providing the latest, bleeding edge software for Unix-like systems, mainly Linux- and BSD-based.
License: AzFOSS <https://github.com/azratektechnologies/documents/blob/main/licenses/azfoss/azfoss.txt>
palabre (gavrochegnou)
Current website : http://palabre.gavroche.net
A python XML aware asynchronous multi-user python server. (GPL license) Allows Macromedia Flash clients to connect to this server via actionscript, to create rooms, subrooms ... to chat in private or in a room, to protect a room, to play an internet multiplayer flash games.
palabrexml (gavrochegnou)
Current website : http://www.palabre.free.fr and http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeug/ A python XML aware asynchronous multi-user python server. (GPL license) Allows Macromedia Flash clients to connect to this server via actionscript, to create rooms, subrooms ... to chat in private or in a room, to protect a room, to play an internet multiplayer flash games.
pandora (pellek)
This project aims to host packages that is not available in the official repos of certain linux distros, mainly ubuntu.
There might be guides and/or articles related to these packages, or just technology in general.
These packages will be under GPL2/3, LGPL, MIT, or "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" licences.
pandoralinux (pandoraweb)
Pandora, The Free World... Pandora est un site communautaire d'aide aux linuxiens (aussi bien débutants que confirmés). Tests, Comparatifs, Forums, Tutoriaux et Bonne humeur au rendez vous. Tous le contenu du site est sous license GNU/GPL sauf le site lui même qui sera paut être (pas encore sûr), propulsé par Drupal, un CMS OpenSource. Merci
panellib (tous)
panellib is a library licenced under GPL. It aims to provide all elementary functions to create a solver for unviscide incompressible fluid flow, using the panel method.
paptcha (thepeskygeek)
PAPTCHA stands for Pretty Automated Package to Tell Computers and Humans Apart.
It is under the GPLv2 or later.
papyrus (cocophotos)
Logiciel de PAO développé avec QT 4.x.x sous licence GPL v2.0 ou supérieure. Ce logiciel permet par l'utilisation de la syntaxe xml, un mise en page évoluée telle que tables de matières, notes de bas de page, utilisation de polices multilangues à savoir grec ancien et langues orientales telles que l'hébreu ou encore l'arabe, ainsi que le chinois étendu, etc. Ce logiciel présentera aussi un correcteur orthographique et grammatical en langue française seulement.