triptyque (consortium)
Le triptyque quantique est une série de courts métrages réalisés par STF - lacrymosa æterna industry.
Ce site présente les films, les musiques, les making of et les sources, le tout sous Licence Art Libre.
tristetemps (tadeus)
Recueil de textes, films, photos, dessins, sons, musiques et autres productions artistique principalement critique du monde dans lequel on vit et parfois aussi poétique, sous licence art libre et CC - BY SA.
tritemio (kleinsoft)
Repositorio of packages for Suse. I try to create repositorio YUM of packages that I have not found in other repositorios, for example aMSN, Truecrypt and others. All the packages are Open Source (GPL).
trololo (suizokukan)
dictionnaire sous license GPLv3 du patois du Sud de la Haute-Marne(52). Le dictionnaire est compilé avec Logotheras (projet GPLv3 disponible sur Github).
tron (tuxer)
TRON (Tron Revisited On Network) is a 3D open-source Tron-like game programmed in C using OpenGL and licensed under the GPL v3.
TRON is a also a network-oriented game that can be played over the internet (UDP server/client interface) and who features fun implementations as missiles for the lightcycle, and various game-modes, as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Escape the Grid (one player versus all others has to run into a hole in the big grid, the others have to kill him before).
tropicalwiki (thepeskygeek)
This is the TuxFamily group for TropicalWikis (
It will host some assorted code (like enhancements for Farmer) from TropicalWikis developers and the idea site (our host does not support postgresql yet, and we need IdeaTorrent.)
trplkt (crussell) is on a mission to eliminate implicit step 0 from software development by changing user and developer expectations about how software distribution should work—for both end users and maintainers/contributors working upstream.
Right now, our main focus is on trplkt, the MIT-licensed reference compiler for the triple script dialect. It contains the reference implementation of the triplicate algorithm and is a general purpose tool for creating triple scripts.
The "triplicate algorithm" is at the core of the packaging convention that ensures that triple scripts can be roundtripped cleanly. (Every valid triple script can be decompiled back into its original source modules, and then back again, with perfect fidelity.) is an advocacy group for the advancement triple script ecosystem and is the project steward for the trplkt reference compiler.
trubazovet (striptosid)
publishing artistic work using a blog under Free Art License 1.3
tsi (magicvinni)
Mise à disposition des étudiants de classes préparatoires de TSI des polycopiés de cours interactifs de mathématiques et d'informatique sous licence LDL
tulipe (rookmoot)
Tulipe is a linux system creator. It ables to get a light linux base system working using Busybox.
License GPL2.