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AI scripts

aiscripts (gremy)

AI scripts est une implémentation (python, prolog et matlab/octave) des principaux algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle (au sens large).

Ces scripts ont avant tout une valeur pédagogique et seront utilisés pour illustrer de futurs articles/tutoriels.

Dans la mesure du possible, ils seront écrits de sorte à être réutilisables sur de vrais projets (sous forme de librairies).

Au programme : * Apprentissage statistique : Perceptron, Adaline, PMC, Kppv, SVM, SOM, Kmean, Adaboost, ... * Recherche opérationnelle : parcours de graphs, programmation mathématique, ... * IA symbolique

Les scripts sont sous licence MIT.

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Banivakil's Blog

banivakil (rezabani75)

My blog with Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license. I share my knowledge and open source projects here!

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botsim (gremy)

Botsim est un simulateur de robots utilisé dans le cadre de travaux sur les algorithmes génétiques. La physique est simulé via la librairie opensource Bullet. Botsim est distribué sous licence MIT.

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CAP : Pirate Battleship

cabattleship (captnfab)

Site web du jeu libre (licence MIT) de bataille navale CAP : Pirate Battleship.

Il s'agit d'un jeu classique de bataille navale, dans lequel l'accent a été mis sur la qualité des graphismes.

Les sources sont hébergées ici :

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Evomuse Project

evomuse (seblerique)

A decentralised way to provide internet services: web hosting, email services, file repositories, etc.

Doing all that in a distributed and modular architecture, easily scalable, based on P2P as much as possible.

This should avoid "overkill" solutions (like very powerful or very well connected servers) as well as usual bottlenecks or weak spots (a central frontend server or load balancer for example). To sum up, it should be able to provide fast and reliable services, using only small servers possibly badly connected to the Internet.

The code will be published under the MIT Licence.

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Godot Engine

godotengine (reduz)

Godot is a fully featured, open source, MIT licensed, game engine. It focuses on having great tools, and a visual oriented workflow that can export to PC, Mobile and Web platforms with no hassle. The editor, language and APIs are feature rich, yet simple to learn, allowing you to become productive in a matter of hours.

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jwumpus (gremy)

JWumpus est un exemple d'utilisation de la plate-frome Jade ( pour résoudre le problème du Wumpus (tel que présenté dans le livre "Intelligence Artificielle" de Russell et Norvig).

Les agents utilisent un algorithme d'apprentissage par renforcement (Q-Learning) pour trouver le trésor et vaincre le Wumpus.

Jade est un framework pour les systèmes multi-agents.

JWumpus est sous licence MIT.

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kerarmor bzh Fablabs

kerarmorbzh (baud123)

kerarmor bzh des fablabs en Bretagne pour promouvoir le DIY, le numérique, Linux, l'autonomie de tout un chacun

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lituus (lbartoletti)

Groupe contenant mes différentes activités open source comme le maintien de certains ports FreeBSD, le développement d'outils SIG (QGis : GPL2), la création d'une bibliothèque C (Unlicense/BSD), etc.

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Linux Community

lnxcomnty (projjalm)

Respected moderators,

I'm Projjal Moitra, and what I'm trying to build is a world-wide community of Linux users and any tech enthusiasts. My idea is to gear today's Linux commnunity, which is so broken apart by opinions, ideologies, and differences in their personal taste, in a direction which everyone favors and make it the voice of free software supporters, ethical minds, and every member that is directly/indirectly related to it. I know this is a big word, but the thing is, the only strength that linux and FOSS lovers have, is their community. So why not try to unify it? Maybe unifying it, will be a bad idea in itself because it's always better to keep everything decentralized. But what I'm trying to do is optimize the differences, make it a friendly place for everyone, and thus, making it the face of linux and free software culture. Obviously, like every community, this one will also have a set of guidelines, but everyone will be always welcome to this family of online chatrooms, regardless of their differences in all attributes. The main objective of this project is to make the linux userspace friendly and rich once again. Currently, the community is hosted on matrix, and discord (I know it is a non-free service, I'll soon move it to a free platform with the help of tuxfamily). I will conclude it by specifiy my requests and license - > A web-hosting server for the website of Linux Community, with server-side python. And all of the content on the website can be licensed under CC-BY-SA and the code under a 2BSD license. I can guarantee that all of the content and code will be free, as in free speech, and if you insist, you can make minor modifications to this idea of mine, as this project is still in alpha and supposed to be a long-term one. And again, thanks for considering my request once again. And again, I am a novice in the technical aspects of things, so feel free to ask me any queries related to it. Thanks for considering my request once again :)

Yours sincerely, Projjal M.

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