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freelands (xlurp)

Freelands est un serveur utilisant le protocole du jeu Landes Eternelles, permettant ainsi aux clients du jeu de ce connecter à un serveur Freelands. Il est placé sous licence GPLv3 et son développement est ouvert aux contributions. Le but du projet, à terme, est d'avoir un serveur aussi performant et utilisable que le serveur officiel de Landes Eternelles, qui lui est propriétaire. Actuellement, le serveur gère le déplacement des personnages, l'inventaire et le combat.

Le projet contient également des outils de manipulation de cartes pour Landes Eternelles sous licence LGPLv3.

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galette (gruiick)

Galette est un outil de gestion d'adhérents et de cotisations en ligne à destination des associations.

Licence : GPL v3 ou + Langage : PHP + SQL (MySQL/PostgreSQL)

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geominstru (pbrochard)

Javascript project to handle geometry instruments in a web browser : pencil, ruler, square, compas and protractor.

License : GPL v3

Source code :

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gericom (yanev)

Mostly unstable open source software for debian systems, categorized in BG dictionaries, multimedia, graphics, office, Canon ip1800 drivers, and some system utilities.

License: GPLv2 or higher.

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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock

glxdock (cairodock)

Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).

It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :

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gnumedia (brylie)

The aim of is to create a social network for multimedia productionists who use Free Software. This portal will contain Open Educational Resources relating to multimedia production using Software Libres. The portal will not contain advertisements and will have a strong privacy protection policy and practicum.

Side projects will include distributed project management, Free Software consultancy, Free Software Technical support network, online mapping framework, and solution implementation for Social Profit Organizations and individuals wishing to embrace the Free Culture Philosophy.

Licenses which are compatible and in harmony with the GNU GPL will be chosen for assets generated by projects. The primary license choices are the GNU GPL, AGPL, and CC-by-SA.

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Go Study Partner

gosp (pnprog)

GoSP is a GUI for game of go. It allows playing against GNU go, but its main purpose is not really to play against but to train with GNU Go. It implements some features of the Go Text Protocol which are usually not supported by other GUI or go programme. Those features allow the user, while playing against computer, to break the rules of game by

* playing several consecutive moves with the same color, * forcing the computer next move, * inverse your color with computer, * undoing several move to try an other variation,

and then asking the computer to keep going playing as if nothing had happened. Those features, associated with GNU go's joseki databases and deep reading capacity makes it suitable for the study of joseki and tsumego where many variations can be tryed. It can also be used to review a play alone, making comparaison between our moves and GNU go's moves.

GNU go is ranked as a 10 kyu player on KGS server. If you go level is far better than 10 kyu, playing against GNU go is not a challenge for you, and you may prefere look for a human patner.

GoSP is free software distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. This means that you can use, study, modify and redistribute - either gratis or for a fee - the program. See the license text for details.

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GPS Keymaze 300 free interface

gpsd4 (vxjumel)

gpsd4 est un projet sous licence GPL visant à fournir une interface libre et gratuite pour télécharger les données depuis le GPS Keymaze 300 vendu par Décathlon.

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GraineStock - Logiciel de gestion de stock de semences potagères

grainestock (dchardonnet)

GraineStock est un logiciel de gestion de stock de semences potagères pour maraîcher ou jardinier. Licence GPL v3

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grisbiweb (nicosomb)

Ce projet, développé en PHP 5, est sous licence GNU General Public License v3.

Avec Grisbiweb, vous pouvez accéder facilement et en toute sécurité à vos comptes. Grisbiweb affiche le contenu de vos fichiers gsb, créés avec Grisbi.

Une démo est disponible ici :

La version 0.5.9 est compatible avec la version 0.5.9 de Grisbi.

Une version 0.6 est prévue

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