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Hikou no mizu

hnm (hikou)

Hikou no mizu est un jeu de combat écrit en C++, il utilise les librairies SFML 2.0 et TinyXML et est distribué sous licence GNU GPL v3 pour les sources, Art libre pour le contenu multimédia (images, son, ...). Il fonctionne sous GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, et Windows.

Le principe du jeu est simple : il comporte plusieurs personnages, chacun maîtrisant un élément. Ainsi, Hikou utilise l'eau et Takino la foudre.

Hikou no mizu possède un gameplay inhabituel et décalé. En effet, il permet l'utilisation d'un nombre illimité de joueurs. De plus, il est par exemple possible de marcher sur ses adversaires (après un saut), etc...

Le projet a démarré en juillet 2010 (déja ?) et est actuellement en phase de pre-alpha, son développement est actif !

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Hylius E17 Project Tools...

hylius (futility)

Hylius project is a collection of tools for e17 desktop(hardware browser, messenger...).

Existing and functionnal: -EHB aka "Enlightened Hardware Browser". -detect library(not e17).

in devel: -envol

In another way, HandiMalin isn't a part of Hylius-E17 project: -HandiMalin.

All is under GPL2

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Khan Desktop

khandesktop (kdadmin)

Khan Desktop is a Khan Academy viewer, produced independently from the Khan Academy (

See the website for more info.

Software Licence: GNU General Public Version 2

Khan Academy Content Licence: Creative Commons (CC by NC SA) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike

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L2TP over IPSec VPN Manager

l2tpipsecvpn (wejaeger)

This is a free and open source software licensed under GPLv3.

A GUI to manage L2TP over IPsec virtual private network connections. It provides a system tray icon in the notification area from which a non privileged user can establish and bring down L2TP over IPsec VPN connections.

There is also a 'Edit connections' menu item. In order to bring up the editor dialog, a non privileged user must authenticate as root.

From there the user can add, remove and edit vpn connections.

Editing allows configuring various options for IPsec, L2TP and PPP.

Among others, the user can configure eg. the gateway, the use of either PSK or a certificate for authentication, various L2TP options as redial- timeout and attempts and of course all important PPP options. It also allows you to configure PPP for tunnel splitting because you can add routes as you want.

When applying your settings, all necessary configuration files are written accordingly (ipsec.conf, xl2tp.conf, options.xl2tpd, opensc.conf up and down scripts ...).

It relies on Openswan and xl2tp packages as the underlying protocol handlers.

You can also use certificates on your local machine or, if e.g. OpenSC is installed and configured, even on a smart card to handle PPP authentication.

The GUI automatically detects when network interfaces are going up or down and can (if so configured) automatically establish or close VPN connections.

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LADI Session Handler

ladish (nedko)

A Linux Audio Session Handler. License is GPL. Current codebase can be accessed at

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Le Graud importe peu

legip (graud)

A home page that gathers simple programs released under a free open source license. There will be no guarantee that the software provided conforms to the EU norms and does not offend the bien-pensants. Some texts may be added that explain how these or other programs are useful and that recommend or criticize programs or group structures that produce software. The licenses used are clearly mentioned in the subprojects' documentation; the preferred license is the GPL-2 except for some trivial scripts released in the public domain; in the future the programs may be re-released under another common free license like the LGPL, GPL-3, BSDL or CeCILL; if some programs are forked or are included in a subproject the original free license is kept.

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Linux Game Dev Resources

lgdr (bigsisma)

The aim of this project is to create a benchmark for all young developers with lack of economic resources that they intend try in the development of software for the videogame industry. Will be made available to various departments for distribution as reporitoy ubuntu / debian, software licensed GPL and tutorial.

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lituus (lbartoletti)

Groupe contenant mes différentes activités open source comme le maintien de certains ports FreeBSD, le développement d'outils SIG (QGis : GPL2), la création d'une bibliothèque C (Unlicense/BSD), etc.

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Make Libertad!: Compartiendo Aprendizaje

makelibertad (carlos)

El objetivo principal de este proyecto es poder ayudar y compartir con la comunidad: documentos, manuales, textos, imágenes, códigos fuente, etc... sobre: trabajos, tareas, e investigaciones universitarias de diversos temas, utilizando licencias libres.

Se utilizará la GPL de GNU para el código fuente de programas. Y la GNU FDL para documentos y manuales.





El espacio web tendrá licencia Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0):

CC BY-SA 3.0: <> <>

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manaplus (akaras)

ManaPlus is a 2D MMORPG games client for games based on eAthena fork like Evol Online and The Mana World (tAthena) also for other forks.

License: GPL 2

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