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sa linux live distro

salive (anila)

A tiny linux live distro for old computers. Mainly aiming for computers with low RAM. All the widely used broadband connections in Sri Lanka will work in salive. This project also tries to spread knowledge about GNU, Linux and Open Source softwares in Sri Lanka.

salive is a free project. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL2 License, or any later version.

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salix (fredg)

Hébergement, développement de divers services associés au système d'exploitation GNU/Linux Salix OS ( Les services à développer: -une interface dynamique de consultation des paquets disponibles (info, mainteneur, dépendances, arch, ...) -une interface pour une gestion des SLKBUILDS communautaires -.. Aucun paquet ne sera hébergé sur les serveurs de Tuxfamily. Les interfaces seront développées sous PHP/Mysql dont le code sera publié sous license libre "BSD Revised".

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Sawfish Pager

sawfishpager (nano)

The native pager of the Sawfish windowmanager.

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2+

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scengine (yno)

The SCEngine project, which stands for Simple C Engine, is a set of tools and libraries distributed under the GNU GPLv3 providing an OpenGL rendering engine. It intends to break the compatibility with the old versions of the GL in order to offer a large set of modern rendering techniques.

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sd84 (sloane)

Librairie en C pour la carte USB SD84 de la société Devantech. Cette librairie contient 3 types de fonctions: - Entrée/sortie numérique. - Sortie pour servomoteurs de modélisme. - Entrées analogiques 10 bits.

Cette librairie et livrée avec des exemples indépendants: - allumer/éteindre une LED, - faire l'acquisition d'une valeur analogique convertie en une valeur numérique - pilotage de servos moteur. Makefile, readme, quelques photos et autres documentation relatif aux exemples.

Ce projet est distribué sous la licence GPL.

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Sur les traces du Pingouin ...

sdtraces (goupilcom)

Le bottin recense 3600 jeux Linux et 700 outils Linux.

C'est un projet libre (licence CC BY).

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seifaul (murks)

sei_FauL - be lazy

An Ecasound front-end, written in Lua.

Ecasound is a hard-disk recording and audio processing tool for Unix-like systems. It exists since many years and has seen many front-ends, yet there's only one actively developed one, and while it is a nice CLI front-end, its graphical version is lacking.

The goal of sei_FauL is to fill this gap and become a graphical Front-end for Ecasound that is fast to use, provides actually useful features and is reasonably nice to look at.

sei_FauL is still in the early stages of development. The current state is "proof of concept", it features full CLI control of Ecasound and a fast to use 'takes' concept. A basic GTK+ GUI is among the next goals.

It is licensed under GPL3 (NOT "or (at your option) any later version.)".

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SGSearch - Simple file search GTK utility

sgsearch (frankendres)

SGSearch is a frontend to the "find" and "grep" commands allowing respectively to search for file names or file content. It is meant to be a companion to file managers like Thunar (XFCE).

This software is governed by the CeCILL license (CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre) under French law, compatible with the GPL (General Public License).

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skinny (mithat)

Summary: SkinnyDebbie is an installation scheme that makes it easy to set up a light-and-lean Debian-based Linux system. It should be especially useful for computer systems that are not powerful enough to run Gnome, KDE, or Xfce based systems.

All files are released under the GPL license.

Detailed description: SkinnyDebbie is a "distribution flavorizer" that sits on top of a minimal Debian Network Install. Its main task is to install and integrate the following windowing and desktop components into an efficient desktop environment:

* IceWM: a lightweight yet full-featured window manager * ROX-Filer: a fast and light file and desktop manager * Dropline Nuovo!: an icon set that is more inviting than the default Gnome icons * XDM: the classic display manager that is more resource-friendly than GDM or KDM

SkinnyDebbie also installs a handful of utilities and other applications that you will need to have a reasonably smooth GUI system, and it does as much configuration as it can for you. It installs a few custom scripts that simplify some basic system management stuff, and it configures some theme stuff so the whole experience is almost attractive.

It doesn't install a boatload of applications the way full-fat distributions do—mostly because if you are interested in running a light-and-lean setup you are probably challenged for storage space. Thus, I figured it was best to leave the decisions regarding what application software you need up to the user.

However, it does install Debian's branded version of Firefox and Thunderbird (called Iceweasel and Icedove respectively) because not having a Web browser and (arguably) email is almost insane. It also installs some media applications to help you get started with music and video playback in Linux.

Philosphy: We are calling SkinnyDebbie a "distribution flavorizer". It is not a Linux distribution; rather, it is a set of scripts that when run will configure a standard Linux distribution (a Debian Network Install in this case) to match a given target "flavor", using as much as possible the packages that are already part of and maintained by that distribution.

Why build SkinnyDebbie as a "flavorizer" instead of making an independent distribution ? Simple. A "flavorizer" approach lets light-and-lean users directly benefit from the security updates and other improvements/upgrades of a major distribution. A SkinnyDebbie user gets a light-and-lean system that is easy to install and 100% (ok ... 98%) pure Debian, which means the user can participate in and benefit from Debian's excellent community support and other resources. (Or, if I were trying to sound ubercool, I would say that it means the user can leverage Debian's excellent community support and other resources.)

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slangtng (swolff)

A tool combining the Lua scripting language with linear algebra, stochastics, finite elements and more. License: BSD. Targetted audience: scientists, students, engineers.

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