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Culture libre et créations collectives

clicc (edewaele)

Culture Libre & Créations Collectives, ou CLiCC est une association tourangelle qui a pur but de promouvoir, développer et démocratiser, la culture libre, l'accès aux biens communs et le libre partage des biens immatériels.

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ClicNAct : Educational Activities

clicnact (anjon)

Free suite of educational activities for small children (2-8 yrs old). More than 1000 activities, an interface which runs in English, French and Arabic. Designed for children with special needs. Full description here : Licence GPL V3.

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cllfst (nizaros)

Portail Web du Club du Logiciel Libre à la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis. Notre Club encourage l'utilisation et le développement des logiciels libres et leurs mise à profit pour notre faculté.

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dbsta2 (soldiaz)

DbSta est une application intranet qui permet à une école de gérer simplement le suivi des stages des élèves, en passant par les contacts industriels (entreprises et professionnels) nécessaires.

L'application à été développée par Christian Vilhelm pour répondre à un besoin particulier de l'Institut Lillois d'Ingénierie de la Santé.

Ce logiciel est développé en PHP sur une base de données PostgreSQL, sous Linux. Il est placé sous licence GPL (Logiciel Libre). L'application est compatible avec les principaux navigateurs du marché : Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, Konqueror.

Dans le cadre de mon stage à l'Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS), je dois terminer cette application.

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Double Entry Learning Tool

delt (ltpn)

A web application to allow students to learn the principles of double entry bookkeeping through a complete accounting system.

The web application is developed in PHP, using the Yii framework, and is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (

The source code is (and will be) available at

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diabolo (papos)

a multimedia light linux system Videopup2 codename: Diabolo After videopup ?t=27611 who was my first release to create my movies, I have released videopup2 codename Diabolo I have tested it, so I add only programs who works for me I am uploading it as a courtesy for those with similar needs of multimedia expression This is a beta release: 252 Mb md5:4050489b67c196a1d8e904ececc5adcd Diabolo412b.iso comes with complete Puppy Linux 4.1.2 I have put the translation of the programs for en, fr, it, es, de (simple to change just click on the right flag) plus Celtx 1.0: qdvdauthor-1.6.1 (Thinks to remove the last underscore then selecting directory in new project) Kino -1.3.0 : Works well (now import jpeg for diaporama) Avidemux 2.4.3: Gimp 2.6 Blender 2.48: Java-1.6u7 Wine 1.1.4 Streamtuner Mplayer: well dvd player xplns Firepup by default and some tools and optimisation

Special thanks to the hardworkers. Barry Kauler, the creator of Puppy Linux Mu Mark: for buildsystem and a lot of tools ttuuxxx: for all its conributions Jean jacque Moulinier for french translation. and all the contributors ...

Tips: it's simple to create two pup_save-blank.2fs save file (just rename a file like this pup_save-blankB.2fs) like this you can choose 0 at bootup two have a new fully fonctional version file that you can backup (set your temp files for kino on you large drive). don't install this distribution just boot from a cd a usb or from dos XP, and save your configuration on shutdown Papos/

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eBeam pointing devices linux kernel driver and calibration tools

ebeam (yannc)

Driver : ebeam Bridge the usb device to the input subsystem, creating a generic event device exposed to user space. Xorg's evdev input driver automaticaly use it like a tablet. The module is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.

User space : ebeam_tools - ebeam_calibrator : graphical calibration tool. - ebeam_state : command-line utility to save and restore calibration data. The tools are licensed under the GNU GPL v3.

Currently (tested) devices : - Luidia eBeam Classic Projection and eBeam Edge Projection - Nec NP01Wi1 & NP01Wi2 interactive solution

Supposed working devices, need test, may lack functionnality : - Luidia eBeam Edge Whiteboard and eBeam Engage - Hitachi Starboard FX-63, FX-77, FX-82, FX-77GII

There's other re-branded hardware in the wild : everything mentionning "eBeam" and/or based on ultrasound+IR stylus and receiver might be worth testing.

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edecision (almeo)

wiki (mediawiki, contents under fdl) where theoretical and technical aspects of making decisions through the web (for big or smaller communities) are analysed and discussed. For example, electronic ballots, anonimity, security, democratic arguing, speed and emergency cases...

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electronlibre, le wiki consacré à l'electronique libre

electronlibr (chtirat)

Sur ce wiki, vous trouverez des tutoriels, des tests (par exemple les kits Adafruit), des nouveautés sur tout se qui se rapproche à l’électronique libre. (arduino, IOIO etc...)

Dans ce Wiki sera aussi présent des créations d'outils pédagogiques (modules d'exposition) libres de droit.

Évidement tous les projets décrits, mêmes si il ne proviennent pas tous de moi (compile d'articles sous CC By SA), seront sous licence Creative Comons By Share Alike.

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Enciclopedia Libre

enciclopedia (dodvan)

Wiki destinada a crear y desarrollar una enciclopedia libre gratuita, que cualquiera puede editar. El contenido está bajo la licencia GNU Free Documentation License y Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (Unported).

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