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installe ton script php, ton cms

instaltoncms (djetdail)

petit site demo pour montrer comment installer un script php avec ou sans base de données et configurer une base de données.

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Licence : Licence GNU de documentation libre

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instepsnet (insteps)

Latest build/source code for softwares provided on (MIT, GPL.v2 or later)

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Intelli'n TV

intellintv (intellin)

Héberger les vidéos d'Intelli'n TV Format ogv Creative Commons "Paternité-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France"

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intonarumori (lebruitsourd)

En 1913, le peintre et musicien italien Luigi Russolo proclama : ""Ancient life was all silence. In the 19 century, with the invention of the machine, noise was born. Today, noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibilities of men".

Suite à cette idéologie du bruit/musique, il créa le concept "intonarumori", une machine sonore orchestrale mettant à l'avant-plan le concept du bruit musique.

Aujourd'hui, à l'ère du vidéoclip, le concept bruit/musique c'est transcendé en bruit/image, entremélangeant le montage cassé, intemporel et expérimental. Mes vidéos tournent essentiellement autour de ce concept bruit/image, d'où la reprise du nom de l'invention de Russolo "l'intonarumori".

Mes vidéos sont tous sous la license Art Libre, produit sous la tutelle de 3Reg Création, un mouvement de création sous contrainte québécois.

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ioans (tguillod)

ioans is a free software under GNU GPL license. ioans is capable to sort and organize informations. It does not analyze the information itself, but it does a synthesis. It is a bit a search engine, a bit a data mining software. This software is written in C language for UNIX systems, It doesn't provide a graphic interface.

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iol2007 (infodomestic)

Infodomestic Objects Linux 2007. Here I would like to offer our vision about fine tuning Debian based software distribuition like: Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu Linux using multi repository of 100% Free Software mainly covered by GPL/BSD licences coming from Debian, Ubuntu,Gentoo,NetBSD,T2 source repositories. The main purpose of this project is to permit to redistribute the 2007 fine tuning works made by us to the world. The main licences used will be pretty GNU/GPL and BSD like.Or at least a good liberal free OSI compliant license.

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iPhone SSH Backup Script

iphonebk (ironstark)

This is a project for the implementation of a scripts series for secure data backup in iPhone and iPod Touch. GNU GPL License

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ipseity (flauri)

Ipseity is an open-source platform developed in C++ with the Qt framework. The Ipseity software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. Ipseity aims at easing the synthesis and validation of Artificial Cognitive Systems in Multi-Agent Systems. Artificial Cognitive Systems embed a set of Artificial Intelligence techniques that may be executed alternatively or concurrently, in parallel or sequentially.

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ipup (nibl)

iPup is a light and fast desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. iPup was born out of the need to distribute Puppy Linux freely, unhindered by codec patents. iPup allows PC vendors to preinstall Puppy Linux on thin clients and mini PCs without paying any license fees.

iPup has two main goals:

1) To increase the stability over the official Puppy Linux release on which iPup is based. iPup prioritizes stability before innovation.

2) To only include free, Open Source software. This means removing any non-free, proprietary code from the Puppy Linux base, and finding free software alternatives if available.

iPup is a Linux distribution so various Open Source licenses are used by the included softwares. All included licenses are Open Source.

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