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Miloud's in nutshell

mine (milouz)

My personal blog page fulfilled with informations about my skills, my tutorials, my sources, my tips, my discoveries... All that make me proud to be a full part geek and pro-open source. Informations related to programming in different languages such as: C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, VB.NET, C# .NET.. Operating systems: Gentoo linux, Debian, Mac OS X, Windows... Software design: Multi threading, Complex Servers design, Workflows managers design... And more... All of this shared with the rest of the world under the GPLv2 License

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mini (mininux)

mini-nux,mininux,mini nux, site perso sur le libre, ses creations et d'autre tuyaux. mininux linux, design, code

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minicap (gl33)

Outils de gestion d'entrées-sorties d'un fichier. MiniCap actuellement en develloppement est sous license GPLv2 , cette outils est implémenté en mode console parmis les outils gnu , il sera prochainement intégré en interface graphique , utilisant QT et les kdelibs

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miniini (kiithsa)

MiniINI is a a free/open source (X11/MIT License), minimalistic, fast and simple to use C++ library for reading ini (or cfg) files. It has no dependencies and should compile on any platform with a standard compliant C++ compiler (although it requires C99 support).

The goal of MiniINI is not to support a myriad of extensions to the common INI format, but to be easy to use and to read (and, in future, write) ini files as quickly as possible.

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Mini Invoices SQL

miniinvsql (dmpop)

Mini Invoices SQL is an invoicing solution designed squarely for freelance writers. It provides core invoicing functionality and can help writers to keep track of their clients as well as manage and print invoices. Mini Invoices SQL uses the MySQL database engine as its back-end. Mini Invoice SQL is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 license.

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Minima - logiciel de calcul formel

minima (zorg274)

Minima est un système de calcul formel destiné à toute personne qui apprend le calcul littéral ; en particulier, Minima est adapté aux élèves de collège ou lycée. Minima est un Logiciel Libre sous licence GPL (et gratuit) écrit en langage JAVA, prévu pour une utilisation en ligne ou locale.

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Minimal blogging system

minimalblog (minimal)

Minimal is a blogging system that includes, besides a lovely desing, among its features, the following:

-Create post. -Edit post. -Hacker safety* -Edit menu -Edit template without coding PHP (Html required).

As you can see, it's perfect for adding to the news page of your website. Please test, and give feedback.

*This software is provided as is, and without any kind of warranty, not even for usability purposes.


Cheers!, and thanks!

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mini et nano ordinateurs mono-carte

minipc (technoprof)

Ces pages donnes des informations, comparatif, tutoriel et vidéo d'installation d'OS, documentation, caractéristiques et lien pour acheter des mini et nano ordinateurs mono-carte. Souvent orienté vers le logiciel libre. Tous ceci en licence libre GPL pour le code et GFDL pour de la documentation.

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minislack (juvenis)

Minislack Linux is a Linux distribution which aims to be focused on Internet application and developpement tools.

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MiniTux is a minimal & basic root file system (initrd)

minitux (tugalinux)

The purpose of this project is to build a mini rootfs that will run from RAM.

This will be a Open Source Project GLP2.

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