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Satellite Gravity Workshop

satgravwork (donbala)

Website data and code for the workshop on "The Present and Future of Satellite Gravimetry" to be conducted at the Indian Institute of technology Kanpur, India from 17-20 March 2020. All the data and code for the website is available under GNU GPL version 3 or higher and CC-SA licenses.

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Slackware Audio Workstation

saw (hollywoodb)

Slackware Audio Workstation (SAW) is a set of packages that modify Slackware Linux, morphing it into a full-featured digital audio workstation (DAW). All packages are licensed under licenses considered to be "free software licenses" by the Free Software Foundation (

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sawfish (nano)

The Sawfish windowmanager. A fast, flexible and extensible, lisp-based windowmanager.

Licensed under the GNU GPL v2

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Sawfish Pager

sawfishpager (nano)

The native pager of the Sawfish windowmanager.

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2+

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saycure (lilliput)

Site web sur la sécurité informatique. Développement d'application en python pour tester et améliorer la sécurité coté applicatif. Les applications, articles, HowTo, présentation seront en licence LGPL ou GPL ou BSD

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SB Hymns Weekly Hymns

sbhymnsweek (sbhymns)

Since the first lockdown, SB Hymns has been bringing weekly hymns to those members of our community having to isolate due to the pandemic.

We are looking to develop our software further, hoping to offer a desktop application and develop our website further. We operate on Creative Commons licence [CC BY-SA 4.0] to help bring the joy that we hold to many other people.

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sbloggz (alexis211)

sBloggZ est un moteur de blog simple et léger. Il est écrit en PHP, et utilise MySQL. sBloggZ a été créé lorsque son créateur a voulu ouvrir son blog et s'est rendu compte (après une recherche pas très approfondie) que tous les moteurs de blog existants étaient soit trop complets et gourmands en ressources (WordPress et DotClear) ou soit pas en PHP ou n'utilisant pas MySQL. sBloggZ a donc été conçu avec le minimum de fonctions nécessaires pour avoir un blog qui soit quand même utilisable.

sBloggZ est distribué sous licence GNU GPL.

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slackware repository by slackbuilds

sboddy (ddyheberg)

This project is a "SlackBuilds repository" for anyone who use the slackware distrib ( or slackware like ) with the current version.

Each of the packages available for the community is build with the project tools :

Exemple of well known repositories :{15.0,current}/{x86,x86_64}/

These packages are available with the "slackpkgplus" tool that help the user to keep updated its installation from officials and third-party repositories :

To use it, you have to add these lines in the slackpkg+ configuration files : /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf

SLACKPKGPLUS=on ... PKGS_PRIORITY=( SBoddy ... REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus SBoddy ... ... MIRRORPLUS['SBoddy']={x86,x86_64}/

Example of packages available : webmin flatpak openfortivpn teams (extracted from debian official package)


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scalaim (forty)

ScalaIM aims to be a Jabber/XMPP library for Scala. It is written in Scala and Java. I am just starting the project, so there is very few code. The real goal of this project is to improve my coding skills and to have fun, but I decided to share it under the GNU General Public Licence version 3, in case that someone finds it useful.

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scarabus (samy)

Scarabus est un projet de développement d'un outil libre de gestion de données naturalistes, sous licence GPL v3. Cette application web, basée sur PostGreSQL/PHP/JavaScript, permettra de saisir des observations liées à des domaines naturalistes variés (faune, flore), grâce à des formulaires adaptés, modernes et ergonomiques. La localisation des données utilisera en priorité les fonds cartographiques OpenStreetMap. Le public concerné va du "simple" curieux de nature aux scientifiques de terrain, en passant par les milliers de bénévoles des associations naturalistes.

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