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glinuxmaroc (linuxma)

Site officiel de la communauté GNU/Linux au Maroc. Ce site est basé sur XOOPS, et regroupe les articles (principalement des news locales), les projets, et les principaux acteurs du libre au Maroc.

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glo (xouby)

site d'exposition et de partage d'oeuvres graphiques libres et réalisées avec des logiciels libres. Le tout en respectant les licences (ou idées directrices de licences) acceptées par TuxFamily

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Global Hackstation

globalhackst (robomods)

Welcome to the Global Hackstation. This project is designed as a social network portal to bring all the hackspaces / creative workshops of the world together! Through the use of Messaging, Mailing Lists & Video Blogging, we can all be connected doing joint projects wherever we are in the world with any other hackspace on the planet. All the Videos and contents of the social network / blog will be under the CC-BY-SA licence.

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globulation (glob2)

Globulation 2 is a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game which reduces micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units.

This is for mediawiki, phpbb, ftp for contributions only. CVS and mailing lists are on savannah.

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glogik (netfab)

daemon to handle special features on gaming keyboards, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0

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Gluon : api for 2d games. ( KGLEngine+KALEngine+KCLEngine)

gluon (dridk)

Gluon is a group of 3 project for kde games. KGLEngine = 2d engine working with openGL KALEngine = sound engine working with openAL KCLEngine = Input game api.

It use GPL2. You can download the current project by using kde svn. You will find it in playground/games/ Currently our team is composed with 3 developpers.. We hope we will find more helpers with a website.

my blog : the logo :

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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock

glxdock (cairodock)

Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).

It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :

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gmath (hiura)

Gammathematica est un logiciel développé par deux étudiants du Gymnase de Chamblandes (Suisse) à l'occasion de leur travail de maturité.

Gammathematica permet de résoudre équations et inéquation de degré quelconque au moyen d'une interface web. L'application web de Gammathematica utilise une bibliothèque C++ Open Source (CC BY-SA) créée expressément pour ce projet.

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GMF Samples and tutorials

gmfsamples (jfbraz)

The GMF Samples and Tutorials project provides a few samples to help people interested in the Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework to get into that technology with step-by-step examples.

The code is freely available under a BSD licence.

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