tup (thargos)
Free Software Clients(GPL) for the Tugs' Uptime Project.
Description of the TUP taken from the website : The purpose of TUP is to keep an history of biggest "Uptime".
Uptime is time during a machine, a computer stays without restarting. In brief, time which a machine give a functionnality, whatever, continuously.
That’s a competition where goal is the honor of Geek, there is nothing to win other than satisfaction to be the first one of "Top List".
The uptime, a downright useless activity thus necessarily indispensable :)
Client libres pour le Tugs' Uptime Project.
Description du projet prise depuis le site web : Le but du TUP est de conserver un historique des plus gros "Uptime". L'Uptime est la durée pendant laquelle une machine, un ordinateur reste sans redémarrer. En bref, le temps qu'une machine passe à rendre un service, quel qu'il soit, sans interruption.
C'est un concours ou l'enjeu est l'honneur du Geek, il n'y a rien à gagner si ce n'est la satisfaction d'être le premier de la "Top List".
Le uptime, une activité carrément inutile donc forcément indispensable :)
vikidia (astirmays)
Vikidia est une encyclopédie en wiki, destinée aux 8-13 ans et à ceux qui veulent une présentation simple d'un sujet. La participation est ouverte à tous, pour atteindre conjointement les objectifs de construire une vraie ressource de savoir, et de favoriser la participation et l'implication des plus jeunes.
Le mode de fonctionnement du projet hérite largement de celui de Wikipédia. Le contenu est sous double licences CC-BY-SA 3.0 et GFDL, et des licences libres pour les images.
Le projet comprend en 2014 des versions en Français, Espagnol, Italien, Anglais et Russe.
wesnothmap (luigit)
Repository for map and scenario for Battle for Wesnoth created by Wesnoth Italian Forum; all are release under GNU GPL licences
xinutop (marinux)
Xinutop-nav is a Linux portable marine OS, including a lightweight base applications from Xfce family, and provide, with less of 400Mo, essential marine applications such as:
- Fldigi: reception and display radio weather-fax and NAVTEX, via the sound card. - OpenCPN: chartplotter, tides, AIS, grib files, GPS interface and others navigation datas (dashboard). - Polarcom: virtual instrumentation, from NMEA datas. - XTide: tides with numerical and graphical display, worldwide coverage. - Zygrib: download and display weather grib files. - Muplex: NMEA multiplexer. - OSD Depth: display water depth with big digits above any application (aka "on top").
Xinutop is made with a special care of lightness, simplicity, efficacy, reliability and can operate from multiple datas supports (HDD, SSD, USB, Flash) on a great variety of i386 compatible computers, specially with low power processors, or those unfairly considered as obsolete, poorly supporting the growing greed of currents OS, less and less compatible with embedded hardware. Xinutop can run as a portable operating system on removable device, but also as a main operating system on hard drive (same install). The memory usage after startup is about 100MB. To make Xinutop unbreakable (may I say "unbrickable" or almost ?), the necessary sytem files and directories are locked and can't be deleted or modified by a normal way (even in root mode).
Xinutop is assembled with Ubuntu 12.04 packages (Precise), including the scripts "lrd" by Gauvain Pocentek and provide:
- A robust architecture (main file system in squashfs, no write access). - A persistent mode that allows to keep the datas and system changes in user layer (as Linux-Android system). - A restore mode, allowing to findnize exactly the original system (simply by deleting the user layer). - A "home-save" function, to automatically save and move user home datas during a restoration. - A ramdisk mode, which boost time access, running Xinutop from a virtual harddisk emulated in memory. - The full compatibility with applications of the Ubuntu distribution.
Xinutop is under GPL V3, then you are free to use, distribute and modify it, but at your own risk and under your own responsability !
zephyr83blog (zephyr83)
Il mio blog su Frugalware Linux e il mondo Open Source. Licenza utilizzata: GPL