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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock

glxdock (cairodock)

Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).

It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :

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Godot Engine

godotengine (reduz)

Godot is a fully featured, open source, MIT licensed, game engine. It focuses on having great tools, and a visual oriented workflow that can export to PC, Mobile and Web platforms with no hassle. The editor, language and APIs are feature rich, yet simple to learn, allowing you to become productive in a matter of hours.

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Go Study Partner

gosp (pnprog)

GoSP is a GUI for game of go. It allows playing against GNU go, but its main purpose is not really to play against but to train with GNU Go. It implements some features of the Go Text Protocol which are usually not supported by other GUI or go programme. Those features allow the user, while playing against computer, to break the rules of game by

* playing several consecutive moves with the same color, * forcing the computer next move, * inverse your color with computer, * undoing several move to try an other variation,

and then asking the computer to keep going playing as if nothing had happened. Those features, associated with GNU go's joseki databases and deep reading capacity makes it suitable for the study of joseki and tsumego where many variations can be tryed. It can also be used to review a play alone, making comparaison between our moves and GNU go's moves.

GNU go is ranked as a 10 kyu player on KGS server. If you go level is far better than 10 kyu, playing against GNU go is not a challenge for you, and you may prefere look for a human patner.

GoSP is free software distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. This means that you can use, study, modify and redistribute - either gratis or for a fee - the program. See the license text for details.

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GraineStock - Logiciel de gestion de stock de semences potagères

grainestock (dchardonnet)

GraineStock est un logiciel de gestion de stock de semences potagères pour maraîcher ou jardinier. Licence GPL v3

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gReadyMedia - GTK ReadyMedia frontend

greadymedia (frankendres)

gReadyMedia is a GTK frontend to setup a ReadyMedia (formerly MiniDLNA) UPnp service. Usage is straightforward: - add / remove shared folders, - start / stop UPnp sharing (without root provileges).

This software is governed by the CeCILL license, under French law, compatible with the GPL (General Public License).

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grisbiweb (nicosomb)

Ce projet, développé en PHP 5, est sous licence GNU General Public License v3.

Avec Grisbiweb, vous pouvez accéder facilement et en toute sécurité à vos comptes. Grisbiweb affiche le contenu de vos fichiers gsb, créés avec Grisbi.

Une démo est disponible ici :

La version 0.5.9 est compatible avec la version 0.5.9 de Grisbi.

Une version 0.6 est prévue

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GSF Software satfinder, Modem Manager GUI, Lark Audiobook Creator and Skytemple

gsf (ethereal)

It's place where you can download simple GTK+ applications developed specially for GNU/Linux platform: GSF Software Satfinder - legacy application that can help while you tuning satellite antenna; Modem Manager GUI - simple graphical interface compatible with Modem manager, Wader and oFono system services able to control EDGE/3G/4G broadband modem specific functions; Lark Audiobook Creator - simple audiobook creator with good Russian and English language support; Skytemple - simple viewer for open satellite, terrestrial, cable DVB broadcasts and IPTV based on GStreamer multimedia framework, it is still at an early development stage, so not available for download.

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GULL LinuxArverne

GULL de Niort

gulln (guillaumeg)

Site web du Groupe d'Utilisateurs de Linux et de Logiciels Libres de Niort et ses environs.

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hamidrezakp : A Gnu/Linux user handwritings

hamidrezakp (hamid)

Hi. This is a blog that i write my experience in Linux or write tutorials about programing , introducing softwares, or anything i learn. And my blog license is CC BY-SA. I need about 200Mb space with PHP and MySQL support. Thank you for devoting your time to reading my request.

p.s : My blog license is CC BY-SA. You can see my blog at

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