hydrogen (smoors)
Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
It is licensed under the GPL v2.
infosectn (abdelmonam)
Le club InfoSecTn a été lancé au mois de Mai 2008 par les étudiants du Mastère Professionnel en Sécurité Informatique de l'ENSI. InfoSecTn a pour but de réunir les personnes intéressées par la sécurité informatique en Tunisie, sous la forme d'un groupe de travail, de réflexion et d'échanges. Les réunions peuvent avoir des présentations, des discussions ouvertes, et des prises de décision. Le groupe est ouvert à tous, utilisateurs comme professionnels. Les présentations sont de toutes natures : explications sur les normes, retours d'expérience, projets Open Source, solutions commerciales, etc... Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être membre d'une association particulière pour participer à l' InfoSecTn.
La promotion permanente des solutions de sécurité est notre quotidien et notre préoccupation essentielle. En plus, nous sommes persuadés qu'aujourd'hui que l'usage des Logiciels Libres est la seule garantie que l'informatique ne viendra menacer ni les libertés individuelles ni les droits les plus élémentaires au respect de la vie privée.
Toutes notre future production sera libre "free", les documents et les informations qui existeront sur le site auront comme licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Toutes les projets qu'on va développer auront comme licence GNU General Public License V2+ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/
iob (freeway)
Site sur les mouvements du libre, actualité, distributions, rencontres, tutoriel, humour geek. Et bien + encore :).
Licence GPL
ipup (nibl)
iPup is a light and fast desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. iPup was born out of the need to distribute Puppy Linux freely, unhindered by codec patents. iPup allows PC vendors to preinstall Puppy Linux on thin clients and mini PCs without paying any license fees.
iPup has two main goals:
1) To increase the stability over the official Puppy Linux release on which iPup is based. iPup prioritizes stability before innovation.
2) To only include free, Open Source software. This means removing any non-free, proprietary code from the Puppy Linux base, and finding free software alternatives if available.
iPup is a Linux distribution so various Open Source licenses are used by the included softwares. All included licenses are Open Source.
jidee (mithat)
jIDEE is a free programming environment designed to satisfy the pedagogical requirements of introductory Java computer science and computer engineering courses. jIDEE functions as a wrapper around Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) and third-party text editors. It currently runs under Windows operating systems with versions for Linux and OS X in development.
jIDEE is currently released under the GNU General Public License v2.
Broadly speaking, there are two approaches taken toward programming environments in education. The first involves having students use professional grade, highly integrated development environments; the second eschews integrated development environments entirely and has students use general-purpose text editors for developing code and command-line tools for building and debugging programs. Each approach has its pros and cons.
jIDEE attempts to provide a development environment that combines the best of both worlds for first year computing courses. It has been designed as an easy to use though limited IDE that reveals the underlying structure of the code development process. We envision that after a developing programmer uses jIDEE for one or two semesters, the fundamentals of code development and project management will have taken root, and she or he will be ready for a full-fledged IDE.
legip (graud)
A home page that gathers simple programs released under a free open source license. There will be no guarantee that the software provided conforms to the EU norms and does not offend the bien-pensants. Some texts may be added that explain how these or other programs are useful and that recommend or criticize programs or group structures that produce software. The licenses used are clearly mentioned in the subprojects' documentation; the preferred license is the GPL-2 except for some trivial scripts released in the public domain; in the future the programs may be re-released under another common free license like the LGPL, GPL-3, BSDL or CeCILL; if some programs are forked or are included in a subproject the original free license is kept.
libnsssqlite (beuss)
A GPL licensed name service switch using a SQLite database. Can be used to mirror a remote authentication database an allow faster access.
linuxavire (nthomasse)
Linux à Vire es l'antenne du Bocage Virois du LUG (Linux User Group) / GULL (Groupe d'Utilisateurs des Logiciels Libres) du Calvados, connus sous le nom de Calvix.. Nous faisons en moyenne 2 ateliers par mois, libre d'accès et sur la Culture Libre (pas uniquement les logiciels).. Nous avons déjà un site pouvant vous permettre de mieux nous connaître (http://linuxavire.free.fr/), il ne correspond plus à nos besoins, nous avons notamment un problème de liste de diffusion..
lituus (lbartoletti)
Groupe contenant mes différentes activités open source comme le maintien de certains ports FreeBSD, le développement d'outils SIG (QGis : GPL2), la création d'une bibliothèque C (Unlicense/BSD), etc.
manaplus (akaras)
ManaPlus is a 2D MMORPG games client for games based on eAthena fork like Evol Online and The Mana World (tAthena) also for other forks.
License: GPL 2