koysevox (rubikz)
Ce projet construit autour de l'Open Source met en ligne des supports de cours, des exercices en Informatique et en Mercatique pour des étudiants.
lgdr (bigsisma)
The aim of this project is to create a benchmark for all young developers with lack of economic resources that they intend try in the development of software for the videogame industry. Will be made available to various departments for distribution as reporitoy ubuntu / debian, software licensed GPL and tutorial.
linuxgraphic (mlgx)
Le portail internet Linuxgraphic.org vise à mettre à disposition du plus grand nombre sous licence Libre ou Creative Commons : des actualités (articles, flux RSS, ...), des documents (tutoriaux, références,...) et des services (forums, irc, ...) concernant les outils de graphisme libre pour systèmes GNU/linux (2D, 3D, vidéo et traitement d'image).
mxlwebdc (mxlweb)
Espace de développement de thèmes/plugins (licence GPL) pour Dotclear 2 et punBB .
nicoblog (nicofo)
nicoBlog est un blog contenant des trucs et astuces, des tests, des articles, ... se rapportant à des logiciels libres, à linux en général, mais en particulier à Fedora.
opengameart (lendrick)
OpenGameArt.org is a repository for high quality, freely-licensed content appropriate for use in Free / Open Source games.
openyze (yze)
Gallery of original works, including some or all of: art, animation, music, sound, source assets, code, tutorials, articles, etc, under libre licenses including: Creative Commons, Free Art License, GPL, etc.
ptgamespt (ptgames)
PTGaMeSpt are a portuguese project to creat/develop an online game. This project is based on starting `Ogame clone´ under GNU GPLv3 License. Will have a bugreport system, a wiki a blog/forum...
rdckgamedocs (rdckgames)
Información basada en Creative Commons license CC-SA, sobre nuestro proceso de desarrollo de vídeojuegos y tutoriales.
scengine (yno)
The SCEngine project, which stands for Simple C Engine, is a set of tools and libraries distributed under the GNU GPLv3 providing an OpenGL rendering engine. It intends to break the compatibility with the old versions of the GL in order to offer a large set of modern rendering techniques.