geeksmemo (tsgeek)
Geek's Memo is the blog of TheSuperGeek. The author writes about his experience in contributing to some foss projects, his experiments in computing and his discover in programming. He will share his passion for foss devlopement, learning new things and write tutorials about what he succeed to do and have no explanations today. Some author's projects he developed are presented here and explained.
All the content of this blog are available under the CC-BY-SA license. All source code and binaries hosted here will be on GLPv3.
genepy (ygg) is a python application used to automatically generate network code for CAN protocols.
Its input can be an Excel file, a Can-Database (*.DBC), or CSV files.
It mostly targets embedded systems, although a desktop can be used too.
It is published under the RPL v1.5 license.
geneweb (a2line)
GeneWeb is a genealogy software with a web interface developped in OCaml by Daniel de Rauglaudre. It can be installed locally on a stand-alone machine and on any web server.
GeneWeb is a free software distributed with a GNU General Public License and supported on Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
geofperspage (fatalerrors)
Geoffray's personnal pages are about experience about Linux, KDE and Free Pascal. Some personnal software will be available via this site, under GPL license. Particularly YacIDE and Molar Mass. Any other cotents (blog, tips and trics) will also be available under free license, depending on the content (CC or FDL). So, welcome !
gitcola (davvid)
git-cola is a sweet, carbonated git gui known for its sugary flavour and caffeine-inspired features.
git-cola is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.
glxdock (cairodock)
Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).
It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :
gnergy (bboris)
gNergy est un jeu 2D codé en C avec la librairie SDL et entièrement sous license GPL. Vous controllez une entité autour de laquelle gravite un satellite. Le but étant de faire passer des cellules d'énergie entre le satellite et l'entité, tendis que d'autres entités vous en empêcheront.
gosp (pnprog)
GoSP is a GUI for game of go. It allows playing against GNU go, but its main purpose is not really to play against but to train with GNU Go. It implements some features of the Go Text Protocol which are usually not supported by other GUI or go programme. Those features allow the user, while playing against computer, to break the rules of game by
* playing several consecutive moves with the same color, * forcing the computer next move, * inverse your color with computer, * undoing several move to try an other variation,
and then asking the computer to keep going playing as if nothing had happened. Those features, associated with GNU go's joseki databases and deep reading capacity makes it suitable for the study of joseki and tsumego where many variations can be tryed. It can also be used to review a play alone, making comparaison between our moves and GNU go's moves.
GNU go is ranked as a 10 kyu player on KGS server. If you go level is far better than 10 kyu, playing against GNU go is not a challenge for you, and you may prefere look for a human patner.
GoSP is free software distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. This means that you can use, study, modify and redistribute - either gratis or for a fee - the program. See the license text for details.
gurn3ysblog (gurn3y)
Security and network interest me a lot and I want to write about some research's subjects. By this project, this blog, i would like to improve my knowledge and share it.
The license I will use is GNU GPL. (